To: Michael Green
From: Paul Huddleston
CC: School Board members
Date: 11/4/2015
Re: Athletics Report
HS Football
i. 5th in league
HS Volleyball
i. 2nd place in league.
ii. District playoffs 11/5 and 11/7 at Tumwater
HS Girls’ Soccer
i. 4th place in league.
ii. Dropped a heartbreaker 1-0 to Black Hills in districts then beat WF West 2-1 in OT.
iii. Beat Hockinson for the first time in years, and Mark Morris for the first time ever this season.
iv. Playing Tumwater on 11/5 at Tumwater
HS Cross Country
i. Natalie Biddix finished 3rd in Districts and McKenna Flanagan finished 8th.
HS Boys’ Golf
i. Hayden Huddleston (9th) and Dillon Franke (11th)
i. Cheer has already begun due to their competition schedule.