Mon Nov 9 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Woodland High School Report


To:     Michael Green

From: John Shoup

CC:    School Board members

Date: 11/4/2015

Re:     October Review for WHS

Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month.

Monday’s: We used two of our four Monday’s to have teacher led (Shari Conditt) time with the new evaluation system.  We have found this time to be very valuable and having Shari as our facilitator has been very well received. We had one departmental meeting day and the other Monday was to work on our school wide intervention plan for struggling students. That Monday was led by our Student Services Intervention team.

Other information:  Homecoming was another successful week at the high school.  A special thanks to Mr. Uhlenkott and Mrs. Rose Ruff for all of their organizational work in making this a fun and safe event for our staff and students. Fall conferences were very not well attended again this year.  I believe we only had about 80 parents attend. I also wanted to give a shout out to all of our staff and students for all of their work in organizing “Make a Difference” day.  Mrs. Sturdivan was instrumental in making this day possible. We had about 70 students of all ages participating on Saturday, October 24th to help make Woodland a better place to live and work.  The adjustment to our new school is going quite well.  We have found the closed campus is working as we anticipated and students are using all of the new learning spaces very appropriately.  I could not be more proud of our staff and students as we are all feeling the school to be our new home. All is all it was a good productive month at Woodland High School.