Mark Houk, Principal
October 7, 2013
TO: Michael Green, Superintendent
FROM: Mark Houk
New Staff
Our school welcomed 9 new certificated staff and 5 new support staff this Fall! The start to our school year has been fast and furious as always, and with new staff the dynamic has been particularly exciting! As a cross section, our new staff represents a wide array of skills, experiences and talents. We are glad to have each and every one of them!
With the fantastic supports provided by custodial. technology and district office, this unexpected program addition is up and going. I’m sure all have heard that the WPS facility is “FULL!” So many around the district and in our school have contributed to getting us up and going – our thanks!
Most all comments/feedback have been positive. Yes, there have been tired students, and some crying, but students are hopeful their teachers will be done with the crying shortly!
All in all a very positive start!
All families met with KG Teachers the first week of school, and throughout this month teachers have been not only introducing students to KG, but have been taking a comprehensive set of data which will help them set learning goals for the year with our families. This state-mandated process is exhaustive and has been a challenge for our teachers as they have also been participating in professional development related to full-time kindergarten. We should all admire and share our appreciation with them!
Fun “Stuff” at WPS
September also brought our Annual “Dogs/Pies and Books” event. And of course, most of our families attended which made for a fun evening of Hot Dogs, Potluck Pie Desserts, browsing the book sale, and showing our parents our classrooms! The very next day, “Woodland Walk for Kids” took place in a day-long rain storm! Students and adults were troopers as we increased our miles/laps over last year – having fun, and raised close to $12,000 ($2,000 more than last year)!
Student Data Update
Our initial student data, along with our MSP scores are lower than typical. Using the CAST process, and some upcoming Math focus, the WPS Team will be tightly focused on impacting Math especially as we get into this school year!