To: Michael Green
From: Dan Uhlenkott
RE: TEAM High School Update
Date: October 14, 2013
TEAM High School staff has changed this year requiring a great deal of learning on the part of Elly Veyera and Mary Burnett. In addition, we have changed our Weekly Contact, Monthly Evaluation and Intervention Plans to electronic filing. This past year the legislature changed the rules again for Alternative Learning Programs. Mark Knudson, Kim Knudson, Elly Veyera, Jim Avino, Mary Burnett and myself met in August to review and discuss the new changes. Another webinar will be presented on October 23 outlining Monthly Evaluation procedures which TEAM staff, including myself, will be attending. Our certificated staff attended the Anita Archer training last month and found it valuable.
I will be making the Annual TEAM High School Report to the School Board on October 14. Please ask if you have any questions.