September 24, 2012 6:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Jeremy Stuart, Tayler Summers-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Stacy Brown
Tina Cayton moved to approve the September 10, 2012 regular meeting minutes.
Jeremy Stuart yesTina Cayton yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Student RepresentativeTayler Summers reported that the WHS parking lot was painted with names for student parking. The ASB had its first meeting. The Leadership Class has everything setup for Homecoming on October 12th. The WIS had an open house with a scavenger hunt to get to all parents introduced to teachers.
The Board had no questions about other reports.
Michael Green told the Board that the absence of the Business Report was due to the transition in foodservice, payroll staff and the student data system. Stacy has been putting in a lot of hard work on these and hasn't had much time for other things.
The Design Committee met and continued to provide input to the architect on design of the new Woodland High School. There wasn't a lot of change since the last report. There is still a lot to work on, refining and defining the plans. Michael continues to work closely with Doug Nichols to keep the project on-track and focused. The Board discussed the floor plans. Tina Cayton heard rumors about businesses being asked to make donations for a turf football field. The Board discussed if they would like to hear more about this idea. The Board agreed that they would like to hear more about it. There will be a Yale Gym design input meeting on September 27th. Jeremy Stuart is unable to attend. Bill Woodard said that he would try to attend this meeting. The Board was invited to attend a community meeting at Yale School on community meeting at Yale on October 16th at 6pm.
First Reading-Policy No. 6801-Capital Assets/Theft-Sensitive AssetsThere were minor adjustments in language to this policy. In the past, the District inventoried everything, but now they inventory "small and attractive" items. The Board discussed the changes and made a minor edit.
First Reading-Policy No. 1400- Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and QuorumThis revision reflects clarification of changes to the open public meeting law. The Board discussed the policy and made a minor edit.
Review of Administratively Updated PoliciesMichael Green wanted the Board to be notified of the minor changes he made to policies. He said that this provides a record of the changes and should be a regular practice. The changes were not substantive. His plan is to show the Board the changes with the option of referring any policy to first reading if they so choose. The Board reviewed administrative changes made to Policy Nos. 2220, 2255, 2410, 3122 and 5231.
The Board discussed the consent agenda, which included an FFA trip out of state.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the consent agenda.
Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yesTina Cayton yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Approval of Textbook AdoptionThe textbook review committee recommended the adoption of All Quiet on the Western Front for use in the Modern World History class.
Bill Woodard moved to approve All Quiet on the Western Front for use as a textbook.
Approval of Evergreen Public Schools 49th Street Academy Program AgreementsThese agreements are for two students to attend the 49th Street Academy program for students with severe behaviorial issues.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the inter-local agreements with Evergreen Public Schools for service of two students at the 49th Street Academy as presented.
Approval of Contract with Eric Lanciault, ArchitectThis contract is for the initial portion of work from the architect for the Yale Gym.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the contract with Eric Lanciault, Architect.
Approval of Contract with NAC ArchitectureThis contract is for a study to review both KWRL facility sites for remodeling or replacing.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the contract with NAC Architecture.
The KWRL Board will hear a report from NAC on October 29th at their State of KWRL meeting.
Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement with SEIUThe Board discussed the SEIU collective bargaining agreement.
Janice Watts moved to approve the SEIU collective bargaining agreement.
President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:06pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director