TEAM High Annual Review
October 13, 2008
1. By spring 2009, 90% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL reading test. (88.9% in 2008) [State requirement 74.3%]
2. By spring 2009, 63% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL math test. (18.2% in 2008) [State requirement 62.4%]
3. By spring 2009, 80% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL writing test. (75.0% in 2008)
4. By spring 2009, 35% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL science test. (33.3% in 2008)
5. By spring 2009, the extended graduation rate will meet or exceed 60%. (17% in 2004, 83% in 2005, 56% in 2006, 53.9 in 2007)
School Improvement Goal: Improve TEAM High WASL scores in Math, Reading, Writing and Science
Strategy: Improve student attitude towards WASL Tests
Rationale: If students care about the tests, their scores will improve.
Activities to achieve this goal:
Professional Development:
Resources Available:
Person Responsible:
Monitoring Effectiveness:
Teach students about state graduation requirements
Familiarize staff with requirements
Fall of 2008
Principal, Assessment Director, OSPI Web Site
Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd
Student interaction
Acquaint students with WASL style questions
Review released items
Fall 2008 to Spring 2009
Document with samples in hands of students.
Allow students practice in WASL style testing
Inservice workshops
Graded practices in student folders
Strategy: Develop 9th and 10th grade curriculum path to prepare students for the WASL
Rationale: Developing WASL specific courses will help prepare students.
Gather available curriculum, materials, samples in areas of reading, writing, math and science
Inservice workshop
Director, Assistant Superintendent, OSPI
Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd, Dan Uhlenkott
Addition to courses offered
Network with other alternative programs and solicit assistance
Attend WALA conference
Washington Alternative Learning Association
Shared curricula
Have students use materials and comment on effectiveness
Alterations in program