Mon Oct 13 2008, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


TEAM High School Improvement Plan

TEAM High Annual Review

October 13, 2008

  1. School board review written policies for TEAM
  2. Student Learning Plan for each student
    1. Beginning and ending date
    2. Estimate of # of hours per week
    3. Describe how weekly contact requirements will be fulfilled
    4. Clearly identify requirements student must meet to complete course or program
    5. Identify instructional materials for completion of learning plan
    6. Describe timelines and methods for evaluating student progress
    7. Whether the student learning plan meets state and district graduation requirements
  3. Certificated staff to student ratio be approved by the board
  4. Describe how student performance is assessed
  5. Have direct contact with staff once weekly
  6. Once a month student informed of progress
  7. Designate one official responsible for approving programs and reporting to board
    1. Student head count and FTE
    2. How certificated staff are assigned
    3. Certificated staff to student ratio
    4. Student learning plan for each student
    5. How the alternative program supports the district goals & objectives
    6. Satisfy the local & state graduation requirement
  8. Program is accessible to all students
  9. Provide parent with a description of difference between home-based education and alternative school (signed form)
  10. Institute reliable methods to verify student is doing their own work
  11. Enrollment reporting
  12. Student performance accountability
    1. If the student fails to make satisfactory progress for no more than two consecutive periods, intervention plan is developed
    2. If the student fails to make it three cons. times, new plan is formed
    3. Educational progress is assessed annually using grade level and other assessments
  13. Period evaluations
    1. School Improvement Plan
  14. Report to SPI
    1. Head count & FTE
    2. Certificated staff to student ratio
  15. Must have ready for audit
    1. School Board Policy
    2. Minutes of annual reports
    3. Reports to SPI
    4. Student Learning Plans
    5. Student progress reviews, evaluations.
    6. Student enrollment detail
    7. Signed parent enrollment disclosure documents




1. By spring 2009, 90% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL reading test. (88.9% in 2008) [State requirement 74.3%]

2. By spring 2009, 63% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL math test. (18.2% in 2008) [State requirement 62.4%]

3. By spring 2009, 80% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL writing test. (75.0% in 2008)

4. By spring 2009, 35% of the sophomore class at TEAM High will meet or exceed standard on the WASL science test. (33.3% in 2008)

5. By spring 2009, the extended graduation rate will meet or exceed 60%. (17% in 2004, 83% in 2005, 56% in 2006, 53.9 in 2007)




School Improvement Goal: Improve TEAM High WASL scores in Math, Reading, Writing and Science

Strategy: Improve student attitude towards WASL Tests

Rationale: If students care about the tests, their scores will improve.

Activities to achieve this goal:

Professional Development:


Resources Available:

Person Responsible:

Monitoring Effectiveness:

Teach students about state graduation requirements

Familiarize staff with requirements

Fall of 2008

Principal, Assessment Director, OSPI Web Site

Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd

Student interaction

Acquaint students with WASL style questions

Review released items

Fall 2008 to Spring 2009

Principal, Assessment Director, OSPI Web Site

Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd

Document with samples in hands of students.

Allow students practice in WASL style testing

Inservice workshops

Fall 2008 to Spring 2009

Principal, Assessment Director, OSPI Web Site

Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd

Graded practices in student folders



School Improvement Goal: Improve TEAM High WASL scores in Math, Reading, Writing and Science

Strategy: Develop 9th and 10th grade curriculum path to prepare students for the WASL

Rationale: Developing WASL specific courses will help prepare students.

Activities to achieve this goal:

Professional Development:


Resources Available:

Person Responsible:

Monitoring Effectiveness:

Gather available curriculum, materials, samples in areas of reading, writing, math and science

Inservice workshop

Fall 2008 to Spring 2009

Director, Assistant Superintendent, OSPI

Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd, Dan Uhlenkott

Addition to courses offered

Network with other alternative programs and solicit assistance

Attend WALA conference

Fall 2008 to Spring 2009

Washington Alternative Learning Association

Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd

Shared curricula

Have students use materials and comment on effectiveness




Jim Avino, Aaron Shepherd

Alterations in program