Mon Apr 23 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Woodland High School Report

To: Michael Green

From: John Shoup

Date: 4/18/18

Re: April Review

Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month and a bit of a preview for May.

Monday’s: Nothing major to report here, we are working on making sure our 2nd semester finals are ready to go as well as review student work.  I know our math department is also discussing the test “pilot” of our new curriculum we are considering. 

Other information: We are in the early phases of building the master schedule for next year and I am honored to work with Tish, Dan, and our counselors during this process.  Student led conferences and early release time went quite well right before spring break.  We held “Challenge Day” right after we returned from spring break with 72 students and 27 adults participating.  I am grateful for all of the adult support and I have received nothing but positive feedback from students and staff who participated. A special shout out to Sarah Stuart for joining us and representing the School Board.   We have several staff who plan to re-institute our Be the Change club to keep the spirit alive of the main message of Challenge Day, which is to “
Notice, Choose and Act.” 

Early May: Don’t forget about our annual plant sale which is May 4th and 5th.  This is a great show case event.  We also would love to have you our any school board members join us for the school prom on Saturday, May 5th.  Feel free to let Mr. Uhlenkott know if you are interested in attending.