Date: September 5, 2012
To: Michael Z. Green, Superintendent
From: Cari Thomson, PhD
RE: Summary of Teaching and Learning
Woodland Middle School is up and running!
This August we had thirty-three students enrolled in our sixth grade transition group facilitated by Kelly Sloniker and Barb Lutz. This was our largest group ever. This group is geared toward students who want a little extra help transitioning to middle school.
Lunch and Lockers was held on August 27 this year. Again, this was a well-attended event with only 64 students were not in appearance. Students received their schedules, locker combinations, and met their teachers. Students were able to tour the building and find their classrooms as well as drop supplies off.
The math department met several days over the summer to work on curriculum. 55% of all students in math academy (LAP math) passed the MSP. This is the highest percentage that we have had since starting the intervention class four years ago. Please check out the Woodland Middle School mathematics department Moodle website when you have a chance.
Staff and students are excited to be back for another great year at WMS!