November 23, 2009 7:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Craig Downs, John Shoup, Stacy Brown and Mariah Reese.
Janice Watts moved to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2009 regular meeting. Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Chelsey Rohm reported that the ASB met Thursday. She will bring the minutes and treasurer's report. She said they approved Generation Thrive and Art clubs at the meeting. Chelsey said that the Food Drive's goal was for 2000 items and they fell short of the goal at 1308. The staff brought the most, followed by Juniors, Seniors, Sophomores and Freshmen. This event went towards Golden Beaver points. In the lead for Golden Beaver points is Sophomores with 235; next is staff with 220, Seniors with 190, Juniors with 155 and Freshmen with 140.
There were no questions for the reports, but Stacy made a correction to her enrollment report. She said that the report had said that the District was 7.55 FTE below budget. She meant to write that the District is 7.55 FTE above budget.
Michael Green shared that there was a memo attached to the board documents from Craig Downs indicating that the District will receive a grant from the TODAY Foundation to assist students in need with athletic costs.
Michael said that that Pat Stepp received 1048 votes and Steve Madsen received 1056 votes in the election for Board position 5. He had called both Clark and Cowlitz County Elections' Offices and they said that it was unlikely to change. Steve will be certified tomorrow and a recount will occur next week. He congratulated Steve for winning.
The Schools and District Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 25th.
The Board reviewed a thank you letter for Jim Imhoff for donating $25,000 and establishing the Carol Anne Imhoff Scholarship.
Mariah Reese thanked Mr. Green for his phone notification of the community meeting to discuss the M&O Levy. She said that the Yale PTO wanted to know if the Board would allow them to contact the State Highway Department to see if they would put up a flashier school sign to draw attention to the school, so that speeders would slow down. Steve Madsen thought the District should write a letter. Jim Bays agreed and said the Board has no problem with the PTO writing a letter and said that the District should do the same.
Bill Woodard reported on hot topics that came up at the WSSDA conference. These topics included how L&I is paid to athletic officials, electronic Board meetings, how to get community support for levy and bond elections and online instructions. Bill said that he heard that taking online courses was becoming a college requirement. He said that it was recommended that districts need to be better informed and get more aggressive about this. Michael said that some universities are requiring a half of credit or more online classes as a requirement.
Janice Watts attended the calendar committee meeting. She said they had approved the 2010-2011 calendar that will come to the Board as their recommendation. The committee is starting to work on alternative calendars for the 2011-2012 school year to support academic learning. Craig Downs said that the 2010-2011 calendar will be on the next Board agenda.
Steve Madsen has been working on the High School siting project. He's talked with Jerry Sorrell of CWCOG about the traffic study around that site. He is frustrated as he has not received specific information about trucking issues in that area. He heard that the City of Woodland rejected funds for a traffic study for a third round-about near the site. Michael said the study would have shown if a round-about would be effective, but the City rejected a grant for the study. Steve said that we need to have the study to show that the site is safe. Jim asked if the Board wanted Michael to look into this with the City. Steve said that at best, the Board should say that they support the study.
F-196 FY 2008-2009 Year-End Closeout Stacy Brown said that the 2008-2009 school year ended with the District in a good financial status. The balance was 5.9%, which is the highest it has been since she's been with the District. This was, in large part, due to the efficiencies put into place in the year in anticipation of reductions from the state. The Board discussed the summary with Stacy.
Policy No. 2255-Alternative Learning Programs-Revision-First Reading Michael told the Board that what they would discuss on this topic tonight would not be a full presentation. The policy revision is the first step in a plan to establish an online learning program. They plan to call the program, Woodland Online. Craig said that it is cost neutral. The Apex program that they will use is already being used in the District. Craig and Mark Knudson will monitor students taking these self-contained classes. Craig is working on a brochure to send to a list of homeschooled parents and parents who have students going to out of District online schools. The policy will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval.
Consent Agenda Jim Bays had a question about a $2000 voucher donation from the class of 2009 for participation fees. John said that it was donated for fees for athletes. The Board discussed this. Steve Madsen said that he knows Delcine Mesa-Johnson and said he's worked with her and she is a nice, smart and capable person. He said the District is lucky to have her working with us.
Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda.
Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Resolution No. 2531-M&O Levy Mr. Green made a recommendation of a 3-yr levy with an increase of $150,000 for each year to maintain the proportion of our general fund that the levy currently supports. He discussed the information that came from the community meeting last Monday, November 16th, with the Board. Mr. Shoup presented a proposal to add an amount of $150,000 to each of the years of the levy targeted to reduce or eliminate school-based student fundraisers, gate fees for community members, student participation fees, field trip charges, etc. The students would do community service instead of soliciting. Steve Madsen said he thought the idea was great, but thought it would be an organizational nightmare. He said he would vote for it. The Board discussed the idea at length. They felt that it was too risky for this levy, but thought it was a good idea. They asked that the policy be developed first and then have the idea be presented with more detailed information about the amount that needs to be raised each year. The Board discussed the recommendation of a 3-yr levy. They decided that a 2-yr. levy would be more prudent.
Tina Cayton moved to approve Resolution No. 2531.
Janice Watts yes Bill Woodard yes Steve Madsen yes Tina Cayton yes Jim Bays yes carried
Carol Anne Imhoff Scholarship Jim Imhoff sent a letter and donation of $25,000 to establish the Carol Anne Imhoff Scholarship.
Bill Woodard moved to accept the Carol Anne Imhoff Scholarship as presented.
Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried Policy No. 3225-Personally Owned Telecommunication and Electronic Devices-Third Reading and Approval The Board asked that the phrase "for educational purposes" be deleted from the last sentence at the end of number 2 of the second paragraph.
Steve Madsen moved to adopt Policy No. 3225-Personally Owned Telecommunication and Electronic Devices as amended.
Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 10:19pm to discuss personnel with no action to be taken upon return. Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 10:27pm.
Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 10:27pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director