Mark Houk, Principal
December/January Update
TO: Michael Green, Superintendent
FROM: Mark Houk
Surely ALL have heard that WPS brought in the most food items during our Community Fall Food Drive. Typically Rotary(the sponsoring agency will provide an ice cream party for the winning school). Staff and students asked that the cost for this be tabulated and that the Rotary Club present a check to our school, which in turn we donated to the Community Service Center. The lesson here being that our school donated items with no expectation of getting something in return - because it was the right thing to do!
What an effort!
Coming Up
January will mark our mid-year Reading Benchmark Testing for all students, followed by data compilation and analysis using our C.A.S.T. Process. This is an opportunity to bring all teachers together with school program staff to look at EACH student's data and how this signals their progress in school to this point.