Mon Dec 21 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


WMS Report

Date:            11/29/09
To:                 Michael Green, Superintendent
From:           Cari Thomson
RE:                 WMS Summary of Teaching and Learning - NOvember     

The staff and students at Woodland Middle School participated in the Rotary food drive and donated over 1,300 items to the community center.  Ms. Hunt's homeroom won the friendly competition, turning in over 300 items.  Students and staff will continue the holiday spirit by participating in a blanket and coat drive for CAP foundation December 2- 11.  If WMS students bring in 700 items, I will spend the day on the roof in a bunny suit.  This probably will not eliminate my annual "duct-taping" to the cafeteria wall (another, worthy fundraiser).

During our Monday professional development time, WMS staff members have been spending time delving into Navigation lessons and working on department goals.  We have also been working on adding more academic structure to our homeroom and providing support for those students who are failing classes.

Our student-led conferences were successful and we had 322 students come with parents and 31 that needed surrogates.  The Navigation 101 materials provided a nice segue into the conference by having students identify academic, social, and career goals. 

Congratulations are in order for Holly Royle.  She is Woodland Middle School's first National Board Certified teacher.  This was a demanding process we are extremely proud of her.  Holly has also been chosen to sit on the state reading committee. 

Lego robotics will participate in its first tournament of the season on December 5 and WMS will be hosting their first ever wrestling invite on the same day.