Two Way Bilingual Immersion Program Update:
As we continue to develop aspects of the program and how we will implement it in Woodland, we have selected three program goals. These goals are being used to inform program design and implementation decisions.
Three Goals of the Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program:
Implementation Timeline:
ESSA School Update
On Thursday, OSPI released their list of schools who were identified for support under ESSA. This is the link to their release memo. One of the key goals of ESSA is continuous improvement for schools and that all schools will use their data to inform local improvement efforts. Based on student achievement data collected from state assessments over the past three years, TEAM HS was identified for Comprehensive support, WIS and WMS were identified for Targeted Supports. The process for determining which level of support schools receive is articulated in the Washington School Improvement Framework.
What is the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF)?
WSIF is Washington State’s evaluation model as required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
What makes up the WSIF scores?
There are nine measures in total with Growth and Proficiency making up “a big part of the scores” for both English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.
Which of Woodland’s schools were identified as needing additional support?
What is the difference between “Targeted” and “Comprehensive?”
What supports will the state provide schools?