May 23, 2016, 5:30 p.m.Regular Meeting-Yale School
Janice Watts, Sarah Stuart, Lesa Beuscher, Steve Madsen, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Vicky Barnes-Recording Secretary
Chris Conroy, Mike Conroy, Rena Bellika, Becky Huesties, Ingrid Colvard, Pat Jones, Maria Reese, Asha Riley, Leanne Tevlin, Randi Isselhardt, Eric Reese, Kyle Niekamp
President Janice Watts called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Rena Bellika, a Woodland community member, addressed the Board regarding the landscaping at Woodland High School and asked about some of the yellowing vegetation as well as landscaping expertise in the district. Superintendent Michael Green responded, explaining that the district is aware of the landscaping issues and working with the General Contractor to ensure the deficits are addressed. The landscaping has not yet been completed and has not yet been accepted by the school district. Green explained that meetings have been scheduled with the contractors to resolve the issues and ensure quality grounds throughout the district.
Director Lesa Beuscher moved to approve the minutes from May 9, 2016.
Director Watts – yesDirector Stuart – yesDirector Beuscher – yesDirector Madsen - yes
Financial/Enrollment Report: Director Stuart asked about the decline in enrollment in the senior class and if it was typical. She also asked what was being done about the students who drop out. Superintendent Green explained that, at this point in the year, some students drop out rather than becoming fifth-year seniors and that seven is more than usual. Green discussed speaking with WHS Principal John Shoup who reaches out to these students to discuss opportunities and supports for graduation offered for Woodland students including fifth-year, TEAM High School, and the LRA program. He said more could be done. Director Stuart asked if a teacher who had made a connection with the student could possibly be the person to reach out.
Annual Survey of Staff Data: Green presented the results of the annual staff survey. Director Sarah Stuart inquired regarding methods of implementing two-way communicating with the staff. She wondered what other districts were doing to increase communication. Director Steve Madsen spoke of the results pointing to student discipline being handled in a consistent manner as a concern. Director Lesa Beuscher stated that she was pleased that the special education staff seems very happy and said it would be good to look into what they get in terms of the care that influenced their positive responses.
There was no correspondence.
Director Beuscher acknowledged WHS History Teacher Shari Conditt receiving the Washington State History Teacher of the Year Award from the Gilder Lehrman Institute. Beuscher spoke of how her own daughter raved about Conditt, talking about how Conditt also helps students with time management and life skills in addition to being a great teacher.
Yale School Update: Assistant Superintendent Asha Riley presented an update on Yale School. She discussed the mission of Yale to empower every student to become self-directed, life-long learners, and how Yale’s unique rural setting creates a tight-knit group of employees who manage multi-age classrooms with three grade levels in a single classroom.
Assistant Superintendent Riley mentioned the Yale School’s entire third-grade class passing the state reading assessment last year. She acknowledged the partnerships between the school and the community including the Cowlitz County Sheriff’s Department and Officer Todd who visits the school weekly. She also mentioned the Yale Valley Library District, which allows both students and community members to check out books, the Columbia School Gardens that visits every Friday and the school’s strong PTO which provides great support for the school.
Assistant Superintendent Riley also acknowledged the school’s staff including teachers Veronica Cortez, Sarah Taylor, Kyle Niekamp, and Leanne Tevlin. She said teamwork is an important part of Yale’s success. Each Monday teachers collaborate and the unique school setting allows flexibility in decisions what support individual student learning. She said paraeducators Becky Huesties, Sharon Stuart, and Jenny Barton are essential partners and bring necessary support to the process. She also acknowledged staff member Randi Isselhardt who wears many hats including cook, maintenance, and security.
Assistant Superintendent Riley said students who need services are supported through specialty staff who work in the other schools. She said that the school wouldn’t be the best fit for a student who is highly impacted and needs more services since they have more available at the other schools.
Assistant Superintendent Riley said each year students take a field trip to the other schools on Transition Day to help them become familiar with the other schools. Since the school goes up to fifth grade some choose to stay but many fourth graders choose to transfer to the middle school for the opportunities available. Director Madsen inquired about the gym renovations to which Riley replied that the gym is great and is a wonderful addition to the school.
Superintendent Green introduced two new staff members who were at the meeting; Patricia Jones, a new K-4 instructional coach at Woodland Primary School and Yale School, and Leanne Tevlin, a long-term substitute this year at Yale who has been hired as a full-time teacher.
Director Madsen moved to approve the consent agenda.
There were no action items.
President Watts moved to end the meeting at 6:15 p.m. to go into an executive session with no action following. Following the executive session, Directors attended Rebecca Huesties’ retirement party in the Yale gymnasium. President Janice Watts presented Huesties with a plaque thanking her for her years of service.
_______________________________Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ Director