Mon Jun 13 2016, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


    1. Please approve pcard payment to US Bank for transactions on the June 2016 statement not to exceed $132,317.76.
    2. Please approve ASB Fund warrant number 19699 in the amount of $12,617.99.
    3. Please approve ASB Fund warrant number 19700 in the amount of $509.40.
    4. Please approve ASB Fund warrant number 19701 through 19704 in the amount of $2,263.74.
    5. Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6526 in the amount of $5,599.09.
    6. Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6527 in the amount of $97.70.
    7. Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6528 in the amount of $411,234.36.
    8. Please approve General Fund warrant number 157015 in the amount of $82,946.58.
    9. Please approve General Fund warrant number 157016 through 157017 in the amount of $2,239.61.
    10. Please approve General Fund warrant number 157021 in the amount of $973.00.
    11. Please approve General Fund warrant number 157024 through 157079 in the amount of $163,606.60.
    1. Please approve General Fund Warrant numbers 156954 through 157013, 157019, 157020, 157022, 157023 in the amount of $1,920,678.76 for May 2016 payroll.
      1. Please approve the hire of Erin Kelsey, Woodland Middle School ELA teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.
      2. Please approve the hire of Wade Bejcek, Woodland Middle School math teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.
      3. Please approve the hire of Kim Byron, Woodland Primary School teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.
      4. Please approve the hire of Papu Matau, Woodland Intermediate School teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.
      5. Please approve the .4 long-term leave without pay of Heidi Rhodes, K-12 Math Manager for the 2016-2017 school year.
      6. Please approve the resignation of Jessica Wanke, Woodland Middle School teacher as of June 30, 2016.(other)
      7. Please approve the resignation of Juliann McCarthy, Woodland Primary School psychologist as of June 30, 2016. (other)
      8. Please approve adjustments to the contract of Michael Green, Superintendent.
      1. Please approve the internal hire of Joseph Strickland, Woodland High School swing shift custodian as of May 24, 2016.
      2. Please approve the internal hire of Tammy Ludwigs as summer school para as of July 25, 2016.
      3. Please approve the hire of Sheri Bowman, Woodland High School .5 building secretary for the 2016-2017 school year.
      4. Please approve the internal hire of Nicole Metteer, Woodland Primary School SPED paraeducator for the 2016-2017 school year.
      5. Please approve the internal hire of Nancy Thibodeaux, Partners in Transition paraeducator for the 2016-2017 school year.
      6. Please approve the internal hire of Brad Anderson, Woodland School District maintenance technician as of June 27, 2016.
      7. Please approve the hire of Tarico Hampton, Woodland High School swing shift custodian as of June 7, 2016.
      8. Please approve the resignation of Toni Fletcher, Woodland Primary School paraeducator as of June 22, 2016. (other)
      1. Please approve the internal hire of Rob Flanagan as Woodland Middle School head football coach as of August 22, 2016.
      2. Please approve the internal hire of Dave Moses as Woodland High School JV girls basketball coach as of November 14, 2016.
  5. OTHER