Special Services Summer School Summary
WIS Reading Summer School
Summer School at Woodland Primary School will be offered again this year. This year we will be offering reading instruction to those 3rd-grade students that did not meet standard on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Students benefit from intense, focused instruction that will help them gain skills necessary to improve reading decoding and comprehension skills. Four teachers will provide reading instruction to those students identified. Summer School will run from July25-August 12 from 9-11:30. All students will be bussed in for free breakfast and stay for free summer lunch.
Social Skills Summer Camp
Social Skills Camp will be held at WPS and focus on social and life skills. Our 3 school psychologists-Jenn Barry, Monica Siegrist and Joe Crawford will be teaching the camp. Activities will emphasize friendship-building, positive interaction, emotional management, organization, following directions, and study habits. The program will include a variety of interactive tasks, such as cooking, games, art, focused instruction, and group relations. It will run from June 27- July 1 from 9-2:30.
WIS Math Summer School
WIS Summer Math Camp will be taught by 5 teachers this year. It will run from July 25- August 12 from 9-11:30.
Targeted population: Soon to be fifth graders who are identified as 1’s based on common math assessments and teacher input. These are students who need re-teaching with skills that were taught in fourth grade. All students will be bussed in for free breakfast and stay for free summer lunch.
Projected outcomes: