Here’s what happening in our CTE program:
Plant sale was a huge success: Mrs. Vetter’s Horticulture Class had their plant sale, and it was really impressive to see all of the community members that showed up to purchase items. The plant sale was a success this year. We had beautiful weather. The new greenhouse layout made it nice for the marketing of the sale. We sold over 1,000 tomatoes, sold over 350 hanging baskets, plus a variety of other vegetables and flowering plants. The proceeds will be used for next year's sale and student leadership activities.
Skills USA (Mrs. Miller): Skills USA chapter will be honored at State Champions Assembly this Friday along with the two Students that are State champions, Karin Taylor, and Carinda Washburn. We will be catering the Strawberry Shortcake sales next Thursday evening at Horseshoe Lake starting at 5:00. Our final club meeting of the year will be this Wednesday at Lunch. Members would like to plan a summer activity and we will be helping the Beaver Boosters at the Golf fundraiser August 21st. Finally, we leave for Nationals on June 19th, besides the competitions, our club will receive national recognition at a dinner for gold medal chapter advisors.
HOSA (Ms. Cullison) blood drive makes a difference : HOSA is putting on the blood drive May 4th in the Auxiliary Gym. We have 89 students/teachers/community members signed up this year. Out of those sign ups, we were able to donate 80 usable pints – which is close to double of last year’s total! We may look at adding a drive in the fall next year as well.
Shop Classes (Mr. Miller): Metals classes are finishing up projects (bumpers, traps, rod holders, etc) and getting ready for the brazing/welding final. Auto class is finishing the last chapters in the auto maintenance book and putting an engine together and studying for the final… All classes will be cleaning and straightening the shop for summer break.
A few of Mrs. Ruff’s final projects: