March 28, 2016, 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting-Woodland Middle School
Janice Watts, Lesa Beucher, Matt Donald, Steve Madsen, Taylor Vossen-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Vicky Barnes-Recording Secretary
Lan Ha, Stacy Brown, Asha Riley, Jake Hall, Lynnell Tsugawa-Murray, Jodi McLendon, Christy Bisconer, Robin Uhlenkott, Angela Campbell, Crystal Roskoski, Steve Halstrom.
President Watts called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Director Matt Donald moved to approve Director Stuart’s absence.
Director Watts – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Lan Ha, Nutrition Services Director, invited the directors to two upcoming events with students.
Future Chefs cook off by 3rd and 4th graders. It will be in the Commons of Woodland High School at 4:00 p.m. on March 29, 2016. Lan invited Directors to drop into the event.
The second event is Fine Dining held at Woodland Intermediate School on May 5, 2016. At this event, each table has a host and students are given the opportunity to practice their dining etiquette while enjoying a three-course meal. Lan asked the directors to RSVP for this event.
Director Beucher moved to approve the minutes from the February 24, 2016, board meeting.
Director Donald - yes
Student Representative Taylor Vosson said the Dance Team had gone to state and they finished 8th in Hip Hop, 6th in Pom and 3rd in Show. She said conferences were beginning in the high school as well as class selection. Director Watts asked if seniors participated in conferences. Superintendent Green said that it was his understanding that seniors did participate.
Director Donald asked about the climbing wall in the yellow gym as noted in the facilities and Safety report. He questioned whether the students use the climbing wall at other times or play on it without permission. Principal Jake Hall said the climbing wall was in use only during PE. He also said there was a key that locks the pads to keep them from use at lunch times. He also asked if play structures are scheduled for installation at Woodland Intermediate School over spring break. Associate Administrator, Lynnell Tsugawa-Murray said that was the plan.
Director Donald said it was good to see in the technology report that there was work to resolve the issue with the projector cables.
There was no correspondence.
Woodland Middle School Principal, Jake Hall, gave a presentation titled the “State of our Union” to the board. Principal Hall said he saw the middle school as a strong core in the middle of the other schools and that he is always looking to build connections with the grades below and above to strengthen the core. He reflected on where the school has come from when doors opened at the beginning of the year, where rooms were still being painted and furniture moved in, to where they find themselves now, on the cusp of the fourth quarter in a wonderful building with great staff and students. He also highlighted the office staff and the wonderful work they did with a changing office location at the beginning of the year. He acknowledged that parents send the school their very best, their children, so as a staff they work to help the students know they are awesome, loved and full of potential.
Assistant Principal Angela Campbell gave the demographics of the middle school and explained what protocols and drills are in place for safety preparation. She also explained the goals and vision of PBIS in the middle school and said it aligns with the school-wide expectation to process, monitor, and adjust throughout the year. She said positive rewards are the focus, with students receiving Trojan Tickets, Trojan Pride Slips, and Student of the Month awards for doing things right. For students who need more one on one time, the program Fresh Start helps them to learn how to self-monitor. Director Watts asked how many students are currently in Fresh Start. Assistant Principal Campbell said 12 students are currently involved, but it can change as students graduate out of the program.
Principal Hall talked about the Extension Program which is classes for students who are behind or above in a subject. He said teacher Tara Eilts does a fabulous job in organizing the placement of student in extension classes. He talked about the activities available at the middle school and that next year he hopes to increase what is offered to the students.
Directors Donald and Madsen said as parents of middle schoolers they have had a great experience and said their students enjoy coming to school. Director Watts asked if the different grade levels mingled very much and if they ate lunch together. Principal Hall said that 5th and 6th is in the yellow hall and 7th and 8th is in the green hall, and except for a few science classes, band, or when students come to the office, they are in their grade area. The lunch schedule for the different grades are separate.
Director Madsen asked if practical applications for math skills are given to the students. Vice Principal Campbell said a scope and sequence is being looked at to ensure all areas are covered. Director Madsen mentioned the timing that grades are entered into Skyward is important so parents can track what is turned in.
Director Donald asked about the improvements to the internet and the building. Principal Hall said the updates to the building were fantastic and thanked the board for the resources and support the board had extended to the middle school. Principal Hall said all of the rooms have Wi-Fi and the chrome carts are especially valued and used in classes. Director Watts noted that students seem to have more pride in the building with the updates.
There were no reports, requests or comments.
Superintendent Green as if any of the directors were interested in participating in the interview process on April 15, 2016, for the Woodland Primary School. Directors Beuscher and Madsen said they might be able to attend.
Superintendent Green also asked if any of the directors were available to handout diplomas to TEAM graduates on June 15, 2016. Directors Watts and Donald both expressed interest.
Director Donald moved to approve the consent agenda.
Director Madsen - yes
President Watts moved to end the meeting at 6:55 p.m. to go into an executive session with no action following. A student-led tour of the Middle School followed the executive session.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director