Mon Oct 27 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


New WHS Change Order #14

  Change Order 14 amount: $32,229


  • CCD 019 – Change is to provide structural steel framing at the second floor to accommodate a duct which penetrates the floor. No framing was shown on the drawings. Location 1


  • CCD 019 – Change is to provide structural steel framing at the second floor to accommodate a duct which penetrates the floor. No framing was shown on the drawings. Location 2


  • CCD 022 – Reconfigure grandstand foundations to accommodate the bidder-designed grandstand structure. Assumptions were made during design as to the most likely configuration. Once a grandstand supplier was chosen the foundations needed to be modified to accommodate different loads.


  • CCD 061 – Provide additional outlets in Student Store to serve ovens. No outlets shown on Drawings.


  • CCD 061 – Delete electrical power on manually operated overhead doors at Student Store.


  • CCD 062 – In CTE shop, reconfigure ductwork above overhead door to provide adequate space for door to extend into fully open position.


  • CCD 064 – Provide electronic controls to the Time Out door hardware that were not shown on the drawings.


  • CCD 066 – Provide additional framing above the Servery doors. There is a space created above the doors to house the doors in the open position. The framing to create this space was spanning a distance not rated for the studs called out on the drawings. Stud depths were increased as well as adding strapping and additional blocking.


  • CCD 067 – Add third layer of GWB to west wall of Classroom 2003 to provide adequate fire proofing to the steel frame.


  • COR 159 – Provide sheet metal flashing above cooler walls at exterior wall to prevent water from getting behind cooler.


  • COR 171 – Provide a ceiling access door in walk-in floral cooler to provide access above the cooler for future maintenance purposes.


  • COR 187 – On the exterior west wall of the Band/Music wall, provide additional framing and exterior sheathing to steel framing not shown on drawings.

 ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION /MOTION/ "I move we approve Change Order 14.


Attached Files:
Change Order #014.pdf application/pdf 77K
WHS CO 14 board summary.pdf application/pdf 186K