Mon Oct 27 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


October 13, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes



October 13, 2014 5:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Mary Ann Sturdivan, Dan Uhlenkott, Asha Riley, Stacy Brown, Chris Wiseman, Cari Thomson, Kelley Wilson, Steven Carney, John Shoup.



Tina Cayton moved to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2014 regular meeting.

Janice Watts  yes 
Jim Bays  yes
Tina Cayton  yes carried



Student Report
Kurtis Patterson reported that Eli Whitmire broke his Dad’s single game touchdown record from 41 years ago.  Sam Ikerd won Homecoming Queen this year. Last week was dress up week. Each day was another theme, with Friday being Spirit Day. It was a lot of fun.

Other Reports
Tina Cayton asked if there were a lot of incoming special needs students on boundary exceptions.  Michael said there may be some. But if students are coming into the District and our Special Services program can’t support the student, the boundary exception is generally not accepted. Recently a boundary exception request for a resource room program was not accepted, as that program did not have capacity for additional students. Director Cayton asked if we receive additional tax funds to support special education students from rental properties that are built in the School District.  Michael said that rental properties pay the same tax rates as owner occupied properties. It is paid by the landlord rather than the tenant.  When the District’s property base increases, revenues to the District do not increase; rather the tax burden is distributed and tax rates decrease. Special Education is not directly funded by local property tax; but as it is significantly underfunded by the state and federal governments, local property taxes do support Special Education. In some cases, with exceptionally expensive students, the state will reimburse expenditures that exceed $26,000 per pupil. Typically, the School District will have a handful of students who hit this threshold.



Michael Green shared some electronic documents with the Board. Two were policies that were administratively amended because of the change to the law. He also had added documents showing the Randy Dorn’s budget requests for the next biennium. Mr. Dorn is proposing a limited implementation of a levy swap that would decrease local tax rates and local funding of education, while increasing state tax rates and state funding of schools. Mr. Green expressed concern that the levy swap could greatly impact Woodland Schools by significantly reducing local resources, that are directed by the Board, with state revenues and associated mandates in which the Board has no voice or choice. Michael will keep an eye on what happens with this proposal. Michael reminded the Board about the WQCC meeting on October 23rd. He also said that he needed 2 Board members for the upcoming KWRL Board meeting. Jim Bays and Janice Watts said that they could attend on November 5th.









Jim Bays asked members who attended the recent WSSDA regional meeting, how it went. Tina Cayton said it was good. Janice said it was shared at the meeting that this director area generally has better support and attendance at the regional meetings, than other director areas.



Alternative Learning Experience Programs Annual Reports
Michael said that these annual reports are straightforward, but John Shoup, Dan Uhlenkott and Asha Riley were available for Board questions regarding the reports. Tina Cayton said she was concerned about TEAM High’s assessment numbers. There was concurrence regarding this concern from other directors. Dan said that the students were ill prepared for the types of questions on the test, and also had testing anxiety. He said they are working to help students with these tests.  He said most of the students do well with their work. Michael said that the results are inconsistent, but now that they can see that there were 3 years in decline, they can see that there is work to be done with the students and program.

Goal 6 Planning (Boardsmanship)
Michael said that this item is a check-in with the Board on how they operate. He asked to discuss thoughts or concerns that they have, as far as how they work together. The Board discussed open public meeting rules with Michael. Matt Donald said that citizens have been wondering why the Board are nearly always in agreement when they vote. Director Donald shared concern about the practice of checking to see if other members are okay with a subject before they vote.  He said that people think that they are making sure they vote the same way. Other Director Watts indicated that the directors were are just checking to see if other members wish to discuss the topic more, or if they are ready to vote.

Tina Cayton was concerned that she oversteps her boundaries between Board policy and management, if she asks questions about purchasing, an area of professional expertise. This was discussed by the Board and agreed, that as directors, it is important for folks to bring their expertise to the role; but, to not direct the “how” of management, rather to focus on policy, outcomes, and results.

Michael suggested if a Board member would like to discuss a topic of concern, they ask the Board president or him to add it to an agenda for discussion. 

The Board discussed the line between being a “parent” and being a “Director”, when it comes to addressing concerns or questions relative to their own child’s education.  It was agreed that directors do not give up the rights and responsibilities of parenting, but that it is important to be clear when approaching the principal or teachers that their questions come while wearing the “parent” hat. Janice emphasized that it was important to understand that it’s okay to sometimes step out of their Board roles and act as parents.

Jim Bays said that he would like to see more bullets added to the Superintendent and School Board Roles and Responsibilities to clarify the division of Board and management to clarify advocacy. Jeremy wanted to add the steps that Board members would take to discuss items. Michael indicated that he will draft some additional bullets to reflect the Board’s desires from the discussion. He told Board members if they wish to add anything else, between now and the next agenda, to let him know.

Policy No. 2161-Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students-First Reading
Michael said that the policy for this is brief, and the majority of the changes were added to the procedures. The Board did not have any questions regarding this policy. This will be added to the next agenda for second reading and approval.

Culminating Project
John Shoup gave background on the Culminating Project.  He said they started discussing it back in 2002, when they knew requirements were coming. They rolled out the new process for the graduating class of 2007, beginning when they were 8th graders.  The WHS staff improved the process along the way. There is a piece tied to career preparation for every high school grade level that culminates in a senior presentation. The big change this year is that the students are given an option to either do a 10 hour service learning project, or do 20 hours of community service.

All students give a presentation. Mary Ann Sturdivan presented the process to the Board. She told Board members that they were welcome to volunteer for one of the panels for senior presentations. Janice said she had done it before and she really enjoyed it. The Board discussed the process with Mary Ann and John.  Mr. Shoup added that Director of Technology, Steve Rippl, has been great about helping them build their site. Kurtis Patterson said that he is doing the 20 hour community service hours and is enjoying it. Jim Bays said that he likes the 20 hour option. He has always been a strong advocate for the students to do community service. He asked what feedback John has received about this. John said he only gets feedback when a student doesn’t pass the first time around.



The Board discussed the consent agenda. See attached.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the consent agenda.

Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Tina Cayton  yes 
Matt Donald  yes
Jeremy Stuart yes  carried



Second Reading and Approval of Revision to Policy No. 3241, 6700 and 6915
Jim asked if the specific names and numbers should be in Policy No. 6915. Stacy Brown said that the policy needs to be reviewed yearly. Michael said if those need to be changed, we can do that administratively.

Tina Cayton moved to approve Policy Nos. 3241, 6700 and 6915 revisions.

Jeremy Stuart yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes 
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Text Adoption-One High School English Novel and One High School Psychology Textbook
Asha Riley asked if the Board had any questions regarding the textbook adoption proposal.  Jim asked if the novel was controversial.  Michael indicated that for some sensitive readers it may be controversial, as the book does include false accusations against the protagonist of a sexual relationship with an under aged girl.  It is in no way graphic.  Director Bays asked if a parent who objected to the text could opt their child out of reading the book.  Asha Riley indicated they could.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the adoption of the high school novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain and Psychology A Concise Introduction

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Approval of Change Order 13
Kelley Wilson presented the summary of Change Order 13 and the Change Order log. The largest item on the change order was the relocation of the transformer because PUD changed its mind about where they wanted it located. Kelley and Michael gave the Board a brief update of the construction progress.

Jim Bays moved to approve Change Order 13.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts yes  carried



President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 6:32pm to discuss three matters allowed under 42.30.110(1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.

President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 8:07 pm.



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:07pm.


Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
consent agenda 10-13-14.pdf application/pdf 56K