Woodland Intermediate School
Monthly Update
April, 2014
Throughout the month of April, professional development opportunities at Woodland Intermediate have included MSP proctor training for staff and activities that support our School-wide Plan.
We are in the beginning phases of student placement for next year. Developing balanced and equitable classrooms while matching learning styles to teaching styles, has always been a priority for us. Teachers spent time evaluating students academically, socially, and writing narratives about each student. This information is of tremendous value, both in the placement process, as well as providing next year’s teacher with information about each student. This information is passed on to WMS teachers through meetings that our 6th grade team will have with WMS staff in the coming weeks. An online system has been developed to store this information. Teachers are now able to go back multiple years and review teacher notes associated with student placement. We are appreciative to the technology department for developing this system.
We have been busy creating teaching schedules, professional development schedules, and planning for next year. It is hard to believe the year is quickly coming to an end.