The goal of this discussion item is to provide the Board with understanding and guidance in the administration of Policy 2020 and its accompanying administrative Proceedure 2020P.
Board Policy 2020 was last adopted in 2002. The world of textbooks and instructional materials has changed dramatically over the last decade. In many ways, we have entered a "Post-Textbook" era where online resources have become key tools in our work with students. And in many ways, Policy 2020 does not effectively deal with so many of the resources that are used in classrooms today. Another challenge of the "Post-textbook era" is the ongoing evolution of materials. An example of this is the Engage NY Math curriculum that is currently under pilot. By virtue of being a digital resource, it can be updated, modified and improved over time.
Asha Riley will be facilitiating a conversation with the Board, to explore this topic and move us toward a common understanding of how we should improve our implementaiton of policy, so the Board is able to exercise appropriate oversite of curriculum, while we are not unnecessarily restricting teacher ability to be creative and responsive to classroom and student needs.
One outcome may be that we recommend revision to policy at a later date.