April 28, 2014 5:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Asha Riley, Craig Downs, Stacy Brown, Kelley Wilson, Annette Koistinen, and another citizen.
Tina Cayton moved to approve Janice Watts’ absence.
Matt Donald yesTina Catyon yesJim Bays yes carried
*Director Stuart told Mr. Green he would be late to the meeting.
Matt Donald moved to approve the April 14, 2014 regular meeting minutes.
Jim Bays yes Tina Cayton yesMatt Donald yes carried
Mr. Donald complemented Stephanie Patterson on a good job of taking the minutes.
Student ReportTayler Summers was absent from the meeting.
Other Reports Jim Bays said he didn’t know what other Tech Directors do in other district, but he is very impressed with how Steve Rippl uses his position to help students learn. Michael said he is very focused on students. He said Steve is exceptional. Jim agreed that he’s truly amazing.
Mr. Green said that Kelley Wilson, who reports on the WHS construction, was tied up in a construction meeting, but may arrive to the meeting late. He said that things were moving well at the new WHS site. The steel erection was slightly behind due to union issues. The brick is also presenting challenges, as there is inconsistency in appearance and quality. They are attempting to resolve this to meet expectations. Michael told the Board to let him know if any of them would like him to take them for a tour of the site.
Tina Cayton asked if employee sick leave carries over every year and can be cashed out upon retirement. Michael said it does carry over and can be cashed out at a 1:4 rate (one day pay for four days of leave). He indicated that staff who have an established leave balance can cash out some of their unused sick leave on an annual basis as well. He said there are some organizations in the State that can share sick leave between agencies, but policy must be in place for this. We do not have a policy for this. In the state of Washington employees can take sick leave with them from district to district; this carries a liability for the hiring district. Districts that hire staff with accumulated leave sometimes have to pay out large sums when the employee retires. It can be frustrating for smaller districts, due to the unfunded liability.
*Jeremy Stuart arrived at the meeting at 5:12pm.
Michael Green told the Board that the assessment season is coming in the next month. The State’s current waiver from accountability requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), was not renewed for 2014-2015. We are the first state to have this happen. It happened because of the legislatures failure to modify laws that would tie student performance to teacher evaluation. NCLB requires 100% of students, without regard to disability, to meet proficiency standards on state tests. No school district in the state has met this threshold (with the exception of very small districts who don’t have enough students for their testing to count). School Districts will be required to send letters to families indicating that their child attends a “failing” school and offering them the opportunity to transfer to a “non-failing” school. In Woodland Yale is the only exception, as it has too few students in any grade band to be considered statistically valid. In addition, substantial federal funds must be set aside to pay for private tutoring (Supplemental Educational Services).
Chris Wiseman sent a letter of thanks to the PTSA for purchasing the WIS climbing wall.
Tina Cayton told members she forwarded them correspondence. She said she’s been asked if the Board is not going to approve “Option B” (the tiered model similar to the current configuration), that they have another community meeting.
Reconfiguration Options: Tiered ModelThe Board had requested that Michael look at a tiered model option for reconfiguration. The Board discussed the model that Michael presented, which had grades K-1 at the current WPS; grades 2-4 at the current WIS; grades 5-8 at the current WMS/WHS complex; and 9-12 at the new WHS. No matter how the Administrators reconfigured grades K-8, one building would feel crowded. The option presented would create the most crowding at WIS. He said that they may possibly end up needing additional portable classrooms to accommodate the growth. The Board discussed the possible timing of buses and bell schedules; but, there is a lot more planning to do before all options for transportation and bell schedules can be created. Administrators are concerned about transportation, collaboration and continuity for students with this model. Asha Riley said groups of 4 or fewer adults are generally best for collaboration purposes, because a small group can focus more on student learning and what is most important for their students. Michael said that John Shoup suggested that they just move WMS students to the old WHS in the summer of 2015, and bring 3rd grade to WMS as a satellite campus of WPS; then work on buildings to get the next phase of the reconfiguration ready. The Board decided they’d like another community meeting to get input from the community on the tiered model option. Michael suggested that he can show the Board what he’ll present at the community meeting at their next meeting on May 12th; then have a community meeting on May 19th. Jim asked for as much information about transportation and start times as he can gather, to show the community.
See attached consent agenda. The Board discussed the consent agenda. Ken Vetter is retiring. Lisa Elliott, a current employee, is being hired as a Center-Based Learning Teacher. Nate Alanko was hired as a Math Teacher at WMS.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the consent agenda.
Jim Bays yesTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Approval of Interagency Agreement for Cabling and TelephoneAfter conducting much research, Michael said the most cost effective telephone system for the new WHS is a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) system. This system offers many advantages and cost savings. It is dependent on upgrading cable and must have a backup system for when the power is out, or the internet is down. Much of the cabling in the District needs to be upgraded. ESD 112’s Construction Services Group, can provide consulting services for the cable upgrade and phone services. The Board discussed this. Matt Donald said that it is important to do this right the first time. It’s a safety issue. Jeremy Stuart said that if we put this off, the costs will increase. Jim Bays said he didn’t want to commit that much money. He said it was not among the things that we told the voters would be upgraded in the bond. Jeremy said that they had told voters they’d upgrade technology at the new WHS. Michael told the Board that Steve Rippl didn’t have the capacity, without additional support, to install cable throughout the areas that need it. Tina Cayton said that she supported the idea, if we can cover the costs without taking away from other upgrades. She also said that only a discovery with cost prior to approving as she thought it may exceed well over $250K and could be more like $500K and that tthe superintendent should bring this back to the board to discuss once the cost estimates were complete.. Michael said that this was a time and materials contract, not to exceed a certain amount. The Board will have to vote on the bid and the cabling costs, at a later meeting.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the Interagency Agreement for Consulting Services in support of Structured Cabling Upgrades and Hosted IP Phone Services, as presented.
Jim Bays noTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Approval of Change Order #5Kelley Wilson presented 10 items included in Change Order #5. The Board discussed the costs of the change order. Kelley said that the amounts were typical costs for a project of this complexity.
Matt Donald moved to approve Change Order #5 as presented.
Jeremy Stuart yesTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yesJim Bays yes carried
Vice President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting to a closed session under RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) with no action to be taken upon return, at 6:57pm.
The Board moved into an executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) at 7:40pm, with no action to be taken upon return.
Vice President, Jim Bays, closed the executive session and the regular meeting was called back to order at 8:04pm.
Vice President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:04pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director