To: Michael Green
From: Dan Uhlenkott
RE: TEAM High School Update
Date: November 11, 2013
Once a month OSPI sponsors a webinar for alternative schools, each one with a topic. In October the teaching staff and I participated in “Monthly Reports.” We learned that each report has to have a signature from a certificated teacher. We are working with Steve Rippl to provide an electronic signature. Towards the end of November are signed up for another webinar entitled “Truancy.”
Our entire TEAM High Staff will be attending an alternative school conference sponsored by our state association (WALA) on Friday, November 8. By attending we hope to learn if we are in compliance with the new changes dictated by the state. We don’t have to travel far as it is in Vancouver.
Our enrollment spiked in October. We are currently at 85 with at least a dozen entering last month.