October 28, 2013 5:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Mark Prussing, Doug Nichols, Matt Donald and Stacy Brown.
Bill Woodard moved to approve Tina Cayton and Tayler Summers’ absence from the meeting.
Jeremy Stuart yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Janice Watts moved to approve the October 14, 2013 regular meeting minutes as presented.
Jeremy Stuart yesBill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Student Representative ReportNone.
Other ReportsThe Board did not have any questions regarding the Tech or Financial/Enrollment reports.
Michael Green reported that the District received the wetlands permit for the new WHS site last Thursday. There will be an item on the agenda to purchase wetland credits; and another to approve the actual check for the purchase. There was some last minute scrambling on the wetlands plan. Michael said the Army Corp of Engineers was very helpful in pulling together the last pieces for the approval. Phase 2 is moving ahead, with a pre-construction meeting on the 13th of November. They are hoping to begin work on the site around the 2nd or 3rd week of December, depending on how the soils have settled by then.
Staff attended a Mathematics Common Core Standards training today and tomorrow. Asha will do a presentation on the new standards at a future Board meeting.
Wednesday, there will be a KWRL meeting. Michael asked Board members if two members could attend. Michael will ask Tina if she would like to attend. Future Board member, Matt Donald was invited. Bill Woodard said he could attend and report at the next meeting. Janice Watts said she could do it, if needed.
Michael drafted a letter to Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, thanking her for helping us navigate the wetland permitting process.
Jim Bays said that he had found out through a member of a community group that was instrumental in the building of the tennis courts, that the tennis courts were given to the District to keep and maintain. Michael has asked Paul Huddleston to look into pricing for refurbishing the courts. He anticipates this will happen this spring.
Jim also reported that the Wall of Tribute committee has been reactivated. Members are: Jim Bays, Paul Huddleston, Debbie Deans, Karen Huddleston, Laura Trygar and John Shoup. He said that they met today and went over the by-laws. They said that all changes must be approved by the Board of Directors. By-laws must be revisited every 10 years. The committee did discuss moving the memorial to the new WHS site, when it is completed; or to some other prominent location. They said it might be cheaper to rebuild it and re-use the plaques. This will be on the agenda again, after the new site has been built.
First Reading of Revisions to Policy Nos. 1400, 2151, 3210, 3432, 4260, 4310, 6030, 6220These revisions are WSSDA recommendations. Michael presented each one. The Board had no questions regarding these policies. They will be on the next agenda, for second reading and approval.
Bond Sale Presentation and RecommendationsMark Prussing, from Public Financial Management, Inc., discussed the bond sale with the Board. He reviewed interest rates, goals and method of sale with the Board. He said that interest rates have been volatile, but $16 per month tax increase for bonds for a $200,000 home, still appears to be achievable. But because of the volatility, Mark thinks it would be good to sell the bonds now, as opposed to spring 2014, as previously discussed. Last time, the District participated in a competitive sale. This time, we will use a negotiated sale, for more flexibility. Mark presented a schedule of events for the bond sale. At the next Board meeting on November 12th the Board will see a bond resolution for the sale of bonds on their agenda, to consider.
Presentation of Constructability ReviewAs part of the State requirements, CSG conducted a Constructability Review, which is a review of costs by an independent multidiscipline team that saves the District money on costs of their construction projects. Doug Nichols presented the review to the Board. Part of the State funding process is to have this presented and accepted by the Board. The Board discussed the review. They will vote to accept this review in another item on tonight’s agenda.
See attached consent agenda.
Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Resolution Nos. 2580-2582The Board was introduced to the three resolutions regarding the Award of Construction Contract for Phase 2, Acceptance of Constructability Review, and the Intent to Construct the new Woodland High School.
Bill Woodard moved to approve Resolution Nos. 2580, 2581 and 2852 regarding the construction of the new Woodland High School.
Approval of the Purchase Agreement with Columbia River Wetland Mitigation BankThis purchase agreement is for the acquisition of 4.1 wetland credits.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the purchase agreement with Columbia River Wetland Mitigation Bank as presented and authorize the Superintendent to sign the agreement.
Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 5:48pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director