To: Michael Green
From: John Shoup
CC: School Board members
Date: 6/04/09
Re: May Review
Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month.
Monday's: We used three of our four Monday's in department collaboration meetings. These meetings were used by departments for a variety of items including working on collaborative finals, reviewing student work, discussing textbook issues and standard issues of teaching and learning. The other Monday was a CRISS training with Barb. The CRISS trainings have been very valuable.
Other information: Dan and I spend quite a bit of time this month with staff working on observations and evaluations. This always is a good time to reflect on good teaching practices and how to improve our skills. With the budget reductions being finalized we have been able to move forward with the master schedule, building budget and resolving student conflicts. Although we are well behind where we would like to be, we are making solid progress. We do anticipate having some of our students without full schedules this fall as a result of our running out of school days this spring. On a final note, we are hoping for sunshine at 75 degrees for Friday, June 12th. J