These policies are presented for second reading and final consideration.
New Policy 3225-School-Based Threat Assessment
In the last legislative session, House Bill 1216 became law. Among other elements, the law requires that by the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, each district must establish a school-based threat assessment program. The law requires the adoption of a policy that meets the requirements of the statute.
Several years ago, school districts in Clark County joined forces with the ESD 112 to form a Threat Assessment Cooperative. A few years later, Cowlitz County Districts joined the cooperative, and now the services are provided throughout the ESD 112 service area. This effective program is the model, after which the WSSDA policy and procedure were modeled. We have found this to be an effective and efficient model.
Revised Policy 4314 Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
The recommended modifications to this policy are aligned with House Bill 1216.
Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move we approve the policies as presented."