September 26, 2011 7:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Katie Longrie-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Janice Watts moved to approve the September 12, 2011 regular meeting minutes.
Bill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes Jim Bays yes carried
Student Representative Report Katie Longrie reported that the Intermediate School was finishing up their open house this evening. They had a kick-off assembly for a fundraiser. Friday is their end of month assembly recognizing students of the month. The theme is "Sports Day", and is organized by Mrs. Sutton & Mr. Flanagan. Mr. Wiseman returns next week. At the High School, they are having Homecoming Court voting this week. Progress reports for Thursday and Friday lunch rewards will be next Friday. The Homecoming game will be played against Hockinson on October 21st.
*Steve Madsen arrived at the meeting at 7:04 pm.
Tech ReportTina Cayton asked if the netbooks were purchased using general fund or Capital fund money. Michael said that this would be an allowable capital fund expenditure but that he was unsure if they were, in fact, purchased through Capital Funds. She said it was a good purchase.
Financial/Enrollment Report The Board discussed budgeted enrollment and how the Skills Center and Running Start affect it.
Michael Green reported that the first Ad Hoc committee meeting will be this Wednesday. He said Paul Cline, the Chair of the committee, has mapped out 7 meetings, taking them through the process. There are two Board Members, Steve Madsen and Bill Woodard, on the committee. Tina Cayton said she could be the alternate when members aren't available to attend.
Steve Madsen asked if Michael had heard any feedback from the Chamber about the resolution approved at the last Board meeting, regarding the new high school. Michael said that he had not heard any, but that he will have a presentation for them in a couple of weeks. He said that Jaime Herrera-Beutler will be at Chamber tomorrow.
Tina said that she has heard positive things about the various murals around the School District from parents.
Jim Bays said he is going to the WSSDA Regional meeting on Monday, October 17th. Steve Madsen said he is going to the bond seminar on Thursday, October 6th in Olympia. He said it was good information to pass on to the Ad Hoc committee members.
Policy Revisions and New PoliciesThe Board discussed the policy revisions and new policies presented. Many of the changes are from statute changes from the last legislative session. Jim thought that the piece about candidate orientation should be left in Policy No. 1110 and then refer to the procedure. Michael said that he would look at the wording in the policy and make a recommendation at the next meeting.
Steve asked if the Board was moving forward on advertising for his position. Jim said that he was waiting for a formal letter from Steve. Steve had emailed Jim, but will send a formal letter.
The Board discussed Policy No. 3120. Jim said that it occurred to him that maybe we should provide a citizenship class in the District for adults who want to become citizens. Michael said that that would better fit with LCC's mission.
Michael said that the big change to Policy No. 3413 was about the immunization waiver process. It now makes it more of a challenge for parents.
There were changes to several policies regarding the change to retire/rehire rules. Michael said it only affects Chuck Anderson, Director of Transportation. They've already made the adjustments to his hours. Michael said the District policies on retire/rehire weren't clear in the past. Now the District has to rehire each year.
Attorney, Buzz Porter, recommended the district make language changes to Policy No. 5281 to reduce the opportunity to appeal to the Board to one time. WSSDA also has recommended adding sexual misconduct to the list of reasons for discipline or discharge.
The remaining policies had changes due to the retire/rehire rules.
Procurement Card ReportingPrior to the meeting Jim and Michael talked about procurement card reporting. Michael visited with Stephanie Patterson about the subject. She provided two different types of reports. Tina said that she suggests that they continue with the process the way it is. The Board discussed the process and decided that the first report style that Michael provided would be the best. The report will be sent to Board members via email, so that they can review purchases that they have approved.
The Board discussed the consent agenda, which included a late addition of a procurement card purchase to Control Contractors and supplemental and extra-curricular contracts.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Steve Madsen yesTina Cayton yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
WAA Collective Bargaining AgreementJim Bays found asked that the line under where the MS Athletic Director stipend had been lined out be removed (page 4, #11). Mr. Green said that this would be corrected.
Steve Madsen moved to approve the WAA Collective Bargaining Agreement as amended.
Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yes Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes carried
Study and Survey Grant Michael Green requested approval to apply for grant funding for the Study and Survey process. He recommended Construction Services Group to manage this process for the District. Doug Nichols discussed the process with the Board. Steve Madsen moved to approve Construction Services Group to do the Study and Survey process and for Michael Green to act on behalf of the Board for the process.
Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yesTina Cayton yesSteve Madsen yes carried
Michael said that there will be a November 14th presentation by the ad hoc committee to the Board. Doug said they could have the work ready for the presentation.
Interlocal Agreement Between LCC and WSD for the CEO ProgramThere is a La Center student who wants to take a class at LCC to finish high school. La Center doesn't sponsor to LCC, so the student will go through Woodland School District to take the course.
Janice Watts moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement between LCC and WSD for the CEO Program.
Steve Madsen yesTina Cayton yes Bill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:46pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director