Mon Oct 10 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WIS Report

Woodland Intermediate School Board Report

October 4, 2011

The student head count at WIS is 466, as of September 30. Last May 1st, the headcount was 465. We enrolled 45 students new to the district from our August opening, as well as 7 students from Yale. There are 6 sections of 4th grade, 5 sections of 5th and 6th grade, and one 5/6 split, for a total of 17 homerooms. We also have students in our Center Based Learning program.

We have 4 "new" staff members and one who returned from leave. They are Lynnell Tsugawa, Alison Daun and Heather Cage at 4th grade, Candra Owens at 5th and Adrianne Gragg at 6th grade. All have had successful starts and are settling into WIS routines.

At our end of the month student assembly, 98 students were recognized for being friendly or caring Students of the Month. A similar number of students will be recognized in October for their curiosity or flexibility. The assembly also offered fierce competition, ending with Mrs. Sutton's 6th graders defeating a highly skilled group of teachers in relay events.

September also saw the kick-off of the WIS PTSA Fundraiser. It has generated lots of enthusiasm, and will conclude during the first week in October. We appreciate all the work Laura Trygar and her PTSA crew has put in to make it a success.

The happiest report is that Mr. Wiseman is returning as principal following his back surgery, three weeks before his forecast return. He has been in frequent contact with the staff, and they and their students are excited to welcome him "home."