Instruction, Curriculum, and AssessmentAsha Riley, Director of LearningSeptember Update
October 4, 2011
TO: Michael Green, SuperintendentFROM: Asha Riley
RE: Instruction, Curriculum, Assessment, and Professional Development Monthly Update
Learning Walks
I am excited to see our instructional leadership, the principals planning this year's round of learning walks for the staff. The focus of these learning walks will center on classroom environments that are conducive to learning. Next Monday they will share the purpose of learning walks with their staff and invite them to participate in upcoming learning walks.
Math Assessment Data Database
Thanks to the support of our amazing technology department teachers were able to analyze some informative assessment data on incoming students. Not only could staff see how students generally performed on the math standards taught to them last year, they could also review individual student performance over time. On Monday September 19th the teachers used these reports to identify strengths and weaknesses of their overall class. On October 10th they will use that information to adjust their math plan to respond to those strengths and weaknesses.