Mon Mar 11 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


WIS Report

Woodland Intermediate School

Monthly Update
February, 2013 

Monday morning professional development for the month of February focused on the soon to be implemented Common Core State Standards. Mo Anderson facilitated three consecutive Monday morning learning opportunities for staff. Mo has quickly become our in-house expert in the area of CCSS. She is worth her weight in gold.

CAST was held February 6th – 8th. This was our second set of CAST meetings. This is proving to be an extremely beneficial activity. These meetings allow all staff working with each student an opportunity to discuss academic/social progress, review intervention programs the student may be participating in or need, and revise services as appropriate. 

WIS staff learning walk #2 took place on February 28th. The majority of our staff took advantage of this professional development opportunity. Staff have positively received the chance for peer observation and critical conversations around the learning.