Mon Sep 14 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


WMS Report

Date: September 9, 2009

To: Michael Z. Green, Superintendent

From: Cari Thomson, PhD

RE: Summary of Teaching and Learning

Woodland Middle School is up and running!

New students and teachers first met on August 27 for lunch and lockers. Students had the opportunity to practice their locker combination, tour the school, meet teachers, and put money in their lunch account. This is the third year Woodland Middle School has done this and it seems to help with the transition process as well as teachers love meeting students and parents.

August 31st was a Learning Improvement Day and staff worked on various tasks including deciphering WASL data, revamping student-led conferences, and receiving technology updates. The building leadership team (BLT) has already met to plan for professional development on Mondays as well as to start our work on the school improvement plan.

Staff is adjusting to the new schedule and working within the shorter time frame. Students have been observed to be having a fantastic time in the CTE classes. One comment overheard in woodshop from an 8th grade student was, "I didn't realize you had to plan before you built something. I just thought you got wood and started hammering." It is nice to see kids making connections.

Staff and students are excited to be back for another great year; albeit some are having trouble getting used to getting up.