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Woodland School District Board Of Directors
Mon Aug 27 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting
Please approve Capital Projects Fund payments not to exceed $180,000.00.
Please approve ASB Fund warrant number 20190 in the amount of $542.75.
Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6667 in the amount of $44,662.83.
ASB AP 20190
Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6668 in the amount of $7,530.57.
CP AP 6667
Please approve Capital Projects Fund warrant number 6669 in the amount of $161.55.
CP AP 6668
Please approve General Fund warrant number 161478 in the amount of $79,719.48.
CP AP 6669
Please approve General Fund warrant number 161479 in the amount of $39,255.98.
GF AP 161478
Please approve General Fund warrant number 161480 through 161509 in the amount of $62,796.97.
GF AP 161479
Please approve General Fund warrant number 161510 through 161515 in the amount of $8,370.55.
GF AP 161480-161509
Please approve General Fund warrant number 161516 in the amount of $1,267.01.
GF AP 161510-161515
Please approve Trust Fund warrant number 7244 through 7247 in the amount of $10,000.00.
GF AP 161516
Please approve the request for unpaid leave by Papu Matau, Woodland Intermediate School teacher for October 15-26, 2018. (Other: Vacation)
Please approve the updated hire of Christina Coultas from a leave replacement to an continuing contract.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of Brent LiaBraaten for Math at Woodland High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of Elizabeth Talvitie for Astronomy and Physics at Woodland High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of Jody Flanagan for Math at Woodland High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of Devon Fliss for English at Woodland High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment of Douglas J Malinowski for Science and Physical Education at Woodland Middle School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment for Ronda Oathes for Drama at Woodland Middle School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment for Jessica Glover for Math at Woodland Middle School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment for Elizabeth Vallaire for Math, Health and Fitness and Business at TEAM High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment for Jillian Domingo for Multicultural Studies, US Global Economy, Psychology and Sociology courses at TEAM High School.
Please approve the out of endorsement assignment for Bryana Steck for Art Appreciation courses at TEAM High School.
Please approve certificated staff per RCW 28A.400.301(a)
Please approve the resignation of Melanie Ball, a paraeducator at Woodland Middle School, for August 11, 2018. (Other Employment)
Please approve the resignation of Cathy Nielsen, KWRL Bus Driver, as of August 11, 2018. (Return to Substitute Status)
Please approve the unpaid leave request of Hunter Huddleston, a paraeducator at TEAM, for July 23 - July 27, 2018. (Other: Vacation)
Please approve the internal hire of Tiffany Cusick for (JobID: 1355) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant - 3 Positions at Woodland High School.
Please approve the internal hire of Leslie Miller for (JobID: 1355) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant - 3 Positions at Woodland High School.
Please approve the hire of Elizabeth Holloway for (JobID: 1355) Diverse Support Instructional Assistant - 3 Positions at Woodland High School.
Please approve the internal hire of Jordan Durr for (JobID: 1381) Special Education Instructional Assistant - 2 Positions at Woodland Intermediate School.
Please approve the internal hire of Rachel Brown for (JobID: 1381) Special Education Instructional Assistant - 2 Positions at Woodland Intermediate School.
Please approve the hire of Sebastina Shantz for (JobID: 1369) Resource Room Instructional Assistant at Woodland High School.
Please approve the request for unpaid leave by Paul Prigge, (KWRL Driver) for October 31 - November 9, 2018, and November 29 - December 3, 2018. (Other: Vacations)
Please approve the resignation of Tammy Ludwigs, a paraeducator at Woodland Primary School, as of June 22, 2018. (Health/Leaving Area)
Please approve the resignation of Kristen Chamberlain, a recess aide at Woodland Intermediate School, as of June 22, 2018. (Other Employment/Family Responsibilities)
Please approve the hire of Pamela Mauldin for (JobID: 1376) Secretary -- Student, Family, and Community Resource and Outreach at Woodland School District.
Please approve the resignation of Joshua Furlong, Paraeducator at Woodland Intermediate School, as of October 1, 2018. (Other Employment)
Please approve the hire of Dale Beckwith, KWRL bus driver as of September 27, 2018.
Please approve the internal hire of Kevin Larson for (JobID: 1378) District Painter at Woodland School District.
Please approve the internal hire of Jolene Thompson for (JobID: 1387) Paraeducator at Woodland Primary School.
Please approve the hire of Kim Tolbert for (JobID: 1365) Middle School Head Girls’ Soccer Coach at Woodland Middle School.
Please approve the hire of Onesimo Sebastian-Gonzalez for (JobID: 1383) - JV Girls' Soccer Coach at Woodland High School.
Please approve the hire of Aubrey Worden for (JobID: 1389) WHS C Volleyball Coach at Woodland High School.
Please approve the hire of Michael Benjamin for (JobID: 1396) Assistant Boys’ Golf Coach at Woodland High School.
Please approve the hire of Robin Wilbur for (JobID: 1397) Assistant Cross Country Coach at Woodland High School.
Board Meeting Aug 27 2018
Minutes Regular Meeting July 23, 2018
Minutes Regular Meeting August 13, 2018
First Reading of Revision to Policy 5410, 6000 and 6100
2018-2019 Worksession Topics
Hearing on 2017-2018 Capital Projects Fund Budget Extension
Hearing on 2018-2019 Budget
Resolution 18-06 — Extending the 2017-2018 Capital Projects Fund
Resolution 18-07 — Establishing Budget Appropriations the 2018-2019 Budget
Second Reading and Approval of New Policy 5250 Nepotism
Second Reading and Approval of Policy Revisions for 3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences
Second Reading and Approval of Policy Revisions for 1105, 2170, 2336, 2413, 3116, 3220 and 5406
Please approve Memorandum of Understanding with WEA regarding Certificated Salaries
Approval of Student Food Service Management Contract Extension with Sodexo
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