To: Michael GreenFrom: James JohnstonDate: 6/17/22Re: WMS June 22 Board Report
The following are the key happenings at Woodland Middle School:
FIELD DAY AND AWARDS ASSEMBLIESWe are having our end-of-year field day at WMS on June 16th. We have rented inflatables, carnival booths, and other fun activities. Additionally, we will have a Kona Shaved Ice Truck here to provide treats for students to wrap up a crazy year. We will also announce the Principal and Golden Trojan Awards that day. Rather than hosting an all-school assembly, we will separate assemblies for 5/6 and 7/8. Finally, Jeff Flanagan has once again developed an end-of-year talent show video to be shown in homeroom during our half day.
DANCE AND MOVIE NIGHTWe had an awesome dance and movie night on June 3rd. It was exciting to see students having fun again and enjoying the festivities.
MASTER SCHEDULEWe have been working diligently to develop the 2022-23 master schedule. This includes building the infrastructure, placing students in the appropriate level classes, and simulating for class size. Our administrative, counseling and secretarial teams have spent countless hours on the structures and Tara Eilts has coordinated and managed our data template for placements.
BOSS CLASSNext year, we will be offering another elective option to 7th and 8th graders called Boss Club. It was developed as a class to teach students entrepreneurship and business development. One of the founders instructed entrepreneurship at Baylor and the other one had a focus on Mergers & Acquisitions. This is a great opportunity to build on the personal finance class we developed a few years ago.
THANKSI just wanted to drop a short thank you note to our School Board members. I have appreciated your service these past five years as the WMS principal. Thanks for caring about kids and the community and I wish you the best moving forward.