Thu May 26 2022, 6:15pm
WHS Room 2203 and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Human Resources Report

To: Michael Green

From: Vicky Barnes

Date: May 19, 2022

Subject: Human Resources Report

I am working on the Educator Data Collection Tool, which identifies teachers teaching out of their endorsement. Along with being board reported, the administrator fills out a plan of support for these educators to ensure the education maintains a high standard. The plan of support is usually for another teacher who has experience in the subject matter and holds the correct endorsement to be available for assistance. The plan can also support the teacher in taking the test to add the endorsement.

I am participating in bargaining for two of our units. Bargaining allows both groups to revisit the agreement to update areas and clean up and clarify parts if needed. Being part of this process is beneficial now because it allows me to have a voice in the process but also in the future as I apply the agreement to situations. 

Interviewing for certificated and classified substitutes has picked up this last month, and I interviewed 15 people. Some of these are newly graduated teachers who are interested in getting experience, but there have also been people interested in being a paraeducator after reading the recent article about paraprofessionals.

COVID continues to be part of my daily routine as I communicate with staff who are out sick and have questions or for staff who have tested positive and need to know the timelines. I also communicate with building staff when either a staff member or student tests positive, so they monitor for symptoms. 

Lastly, I will begin to meet with the new hires for the 2022-2023 school year to process paperwork and answer any questions they may have. We currently have 18 new hires. My goal is to have them ready to go before August so their start with the district is as smooth and seamless as possible.