Mon Feb 26 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Human Resources Report

To: Michael Green

From: Vicky Barnes

Date: February 26, 2018

Subject: Human Resources Report

I have started notifying certificated employees if their teaching certificate is due to expire in June. It is helpful to have them start the renewal process earlier since things bottleneck the closer we get to June because new teachers are also applying to get their certificate. When the certificate is renewed I print off a copy and update their information.

I have been refining processes for FMLA, job postings, and requests for accommodations due to medical problems. Recently Stacy Brown and I attended a seminar at ESD 112 which went over existing leave laws as well as looking into the future with some possible upcoming changes. Since things do change it is important to continue to update and refine processes and procedures.

I completed and submitted the School Information and Research Service (SIRS) report. This is an annual report that looks at compensation for all the different employee types in Woodland Public Schools. That information is then made available to superintendents.

I sent out an HR Hot Topics for February. I use this newsletter to remind staff of upcoming events or work reminders every other month. The second page is to encourage staff to make healthy choices and offers ideas that may be helpful. I worked with Premera brainstorm ideas for employee wellness that would hopefully be motivating in dealing with stress as well as encouraging healthy habits.

Next week I will attend the annual Washington School Personnel Association (WASPA) conference. This 3-day conference has sessions specifically targeting Human Resource concerns and also gives me time to network with other districts to find out their processes. In the past, this has been a great source of information.