Mon Dec 18 2017, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Financial/Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Date: December 11, 2017 

Subject: December Financial/Enrollment Report


I have attached the 2017-18 Budget Vs Actual and Comparisons to 16-17 for September and October
(page 1).  Also attached are the September Budget Status Reports for all funds (pages 2-6) and October Budget Status Reports for all funds (pages 7-11).  Next month I will report on November and December and also begin reporting on projected revenues, expenditures and ending fund balance.  The December Enrollment Spreadsheets are attached as well (12-14).

Budget vs Actual Comparisons for September, October, and November

Revenues in September and October

Revenues in September were $152,000 less than expected (page 1).  Average property tax collections in September over the past 3 years were $142,000 but in September 2017 only $38,000 was collected.  We received only $1,100 in State Forest revenues, compared to an average of $20,000 over the past 3 years. Timing differences in the state and federal grants and when they were approved and claimed in the past versus this month accounted for another $55,000 and we also did not bill the KWRL districts for unfunded, admin and utilities in September. 

Revenues in October were $32,000 less than expected (page 2).  We received about $40,000 less in state forest funds in comparison with prior years.  Our Title One grant also was not approved until November, so as of October we have not received any of the Title One funds.  We also did not receive the National School Lunch and Breakfast program revenues from September.  With all of the timing differences and claims not yet caught up, November revenues should be quite a bit greater than expected.

Payroll in September and October

September payroll was about $59,000 greater than expected and October payroll was approximately $120,500 greater than expected.  Now that the buildings are scheduling many of their district directed days before school and the district is now paying for 2 days for the paras to attend, the extra time paid to staff in September has increased considerably.  There has also been an increase to additional time in October the last 2 years in comparison with the previous years.  I have not had a chance to really dig into salaries and benefits to determine the big difference in October.  I will be taking a closer look at this next month.  I budgeted a bit tighter this year and did not build as much capacity in salary and benefits as I usually do.  I will update on payroll information in January.

Accounts Payable in September and October

September accounts payable was approximately $22,000 greater than expected (page 1).  We paid about $28,000 in paving and electrical work and also $7,500 for Playworks Training at WPS and WIS. October accounts payable were approximately $41,000 less than expected (page 1).  Last October we paid $28,000 for curriculum and $36,000 for curriculum printing.  As usual, I reviewed all expenditures and the amounts paid do not look unusual.


The enrollment spreadsheets are also attached, with summaries by headcount for September through December and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE.  Headcount enrollment did not change and FTE enrollment decreased by 1.5 FTE (due to adjustments in shared FTE and students attending less than full time).  The average FTE is still 52.36 students greater budget.  I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections starting with December financial data in January. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Attached Files:
2017-18 Budget vs Actual and Comparisons.pdf application/pdf 45K
December Enrollment.pdf application/pdf 189K
October Budget Status Reports.pdf application/pdf 246K
Sept Budget Status Reports.pdf application/pdf 249K