Mon Nov 14 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Approval of HVAC Vendor, NCC

Bill Hanson and Stacy Brown have reviewed our contract with Control Contractors, Inc., the firm who has long provided maintenance, repair, and monitoring services for our HVAC systems across the district.   In 2010 we paid about $55,000 for this service.   After focusing in on the contract in 2011 CCI sharpened their pencils and reduced the fees by about $7000.   For 2012 Mr. Hanson requested bids from CCI and thier competetor Northwest Control Company.   (NCC is largely staffed by former CCI technicitions, who left CCI when NCC started) 

 The bids were substantially similar in scope yet substantially dissimilar in cost.

The bid from NCC is $42,275

The bid from CCI is $49,500

Based on costs and expectations of substantially similar service it is recommended that the board approve NCC as the HVAAC and control contractor for 2012.  (Nov-Oct)

Attached are submittals.

Attached Files:
CCI info.pdf application/pdf 4B
HVAC Controls info.pdf application/pdf 2B
HVAC Maintenance Contract.pdf application/pdf 2B