May 11, 2015 5:00PM Regular Meeting-Yale Elementary School
Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Chris Wiseman, Eric Lanciault, Steven Carney, John Shoup, Dan Uhlenkott, Stacy Brown, Asha Riley, Deb Kernen, Becky Huesties, Kathi Wheeler, (Others present and not signed in)
Kathi Wheeler said that the Yale Valley Library District would like to build a library on Woodland School District property. She hopes that when the Board considers the lease, that the two entities will be able to do something mutually beneficial.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the April 27, 2015 regular meeting minutes.
Jeremy Stuart yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays yesJanice Watts yes carried
Student ReportKurtis Patterson was unable to attend the meeting, but Michael received a short report from Kurtis. He said softball, baseball, track and girls’ golf have done very well in league championships.
Other ReportsJanice Watts asked Deb Kernen if 16 students was a high amount for the WHS Transition Explorations’ class. Deb said that it is a combination of Devon Hillman’s and Jody Flanagan’s Life Skills classes, not the Partners in Transition class, that she was referring to in her report. The class helps students learn about skills to help them get out into the world. Janice thanked her for the clarification.
Michael Green said that the Board received documents from the State Auditor’s exit conference, held before the Board meeting. It was for a full audit this year; federal and local. There were no findings, but the Auditor suggested some ASB revenue control improvements.
Michael reminded Board members to register for the upcoming election this week. He is also giving Matt Donald a tour of the new WHS site on Thursday at 7:15am, and invited other Board members to join the tour.
New Policy No. 2145 Draft-Suicide PreventionThe Board reviewed a new policy recommended by WSSDA that reflects changes to the WAC, following a bill from the 2014 legislative session. This will be on the next agenda for a second reading and approval.
New Policy No. 2418 Draft-Waiver of High School Graduation CreditsThe Board reviewed this WSSDA recommended policy. The Board discussed the policy. Jim Bays asked John Shoup if he was concerned that people might think that students are treated differently, if John were to allow a waiver for one student and not another. John said he was not concerned, as the policy includes the types of circumstances that could apply for the waiver. He also explained that this was only for elective classes; not required classes. This policy will be on the next agenda for a second reading and approval.
Finalizing Staff Climate SurveyJim Bays said that ESD 112 staff helped the committee get the survey questions exactly as they preferred. They did use some of the company’s questions. The tentative timeline to get the staff climate survey to staff was May 14th. The staff will have a little over a week to complete the survey. Jim hopes the Board email for this will go out tomorrow.
The Board discussed the consent agenda. (See attached.)
Tina Cayton moved to approve the consent agenda.
Approval of Capital Projects Warrant 6304
Matt Donald moved to approve Change Order #24.
Jeremy Stuart yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays noJanice Watts yes carried
Review and Approval of Security Improvements to WPS, WIS, WMS and WDOEric Lanciault went over the proposed security improvements he developed for the WPS, WIS, WMS and WDO sites with the Board. The hope is to get the work done this summer. The Board discussed the proposals. Some Board members expressed interest in adding double cores to classroom doors and locking doors in office areas, so that an intruder would be locked out of the main building when entering a school or District Office. Tina and Jim were concerned that this was a lot of information for consideration, and felt they had not been given enough time to make a good decision. Michael reminded the board that they had a presentation on the full scope of work a month prior, during which the Board asked for cost estimates. Estimates of the work were provided for the Board, though a few directors indicated that they were hoping that they could receive costs broken out by portions of work within each site, rather than the cost of the work completed building by building. Michael was hoping to send the bid out Wednesday, to get the work done this summer. The Board discussed this.
Jeremy Stuart moved to accept the proposal for the sites, but with control locks on interior doors and having the exterior gateway at the WMS be an alternate proposal.
Janice Watts yesJim Bays noTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Tina Cayton asked if it would be possible in the future, to have a Board member or two sit in on a meeting, regarding the details of this sort of proposal. Jim Bays asked for a big picture discussion of this project later this year, as he would like to be a part of that discussion.
WHS Change Order #25Michael reviewed the summary of Change Order #25 totaling $52, 042, with the Board.
Jim Bays moved to approve Change Order #25.
*Jim Bays said that he wasn’t sure if the Board was aware that the Wall of Tribute is being moved from the current site to the new WHS site.
President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 7:17pm to discuss personnel matters under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.
President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 8:50 pm.
President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:50 pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director