June 14, 2010 7:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Steve Madsen, Mia Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Dan Uhlenkott, Deb Kernen, Chris Wiseman, Asha Riley, Stacy Brown, Mark Houk and John Shoup.
Janice Watts moved to approve Tina Cayton's absence from the meeting.
Steve Madsen yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Bill Woodard moved to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2010 regular meeting as presented. Steve Madsen yes Janice Watts yes Jim Bays yes carried
The Board welcomed Mia Patterson to her first meeting as Student Representative. Mia reported that all went well with graduation Friday, and the weather was clear. The graduation party was a success. The ASB approved next year's budget and all the officers were sworn in. There are: Caitlyn Brentin-President, William Davis-Vice President, Courtney Tipton-Secretary, Courtney Altfilish-Treasurer, Derrek Fitzgerald-Historian and Mia Patterson-Student Representative.
Bill Woodard asked Mia how the economy has affected ASB activities. Mia said she's still new to the ASB and didn't know about any budget issues. Dan Uhlenkott said that they did have to cut back on expenditures this last year. They had to get creative and see what they could have donated. Steve Madsen asked if they had made the community aware of any needs. He said that it never hurts to ask and see what's available. Stacy Brown said most of the issues were with athletics. Jim Bays said that he would meet with Mia to discuss her position on the Board.
The Board had no questions about the school reports.
Mr. Green said that graduation went off without a hitch. The last day of school is Wednesday. The last 2 days are half days. This change was a result of bargaining of a new contract.
Michael received a notice from ESD 112 late last week that the District was awarded a $5000 grant that will be used to update radio communications in the District. This is a no match grant that Tegan Steen submitted, with Keith Merritt's (Safe School Coalition) help. The board thanked Tegan for her work in preparing and submitting the grant.
Mari Ripp-City, Carol Moore-Port and Tegan Steen-WSD, are planning the November Chamber After Hours event for the Woodland Quality Community Coalition (WQCC). They had discussed November 18th as a possible date, but the WSSDA conference is at that time and Board members may be attending. Tegan will let the others know and try and come up with a different date.
After the Skyline Elementary School missing student incident, Jim Bays had asked Michael about the District attendance system. Parents in that incident were not notified until the end of the day that the child had not attended school. Mr. Green said that in our District, attendance and calls go out in the morning. The system is effective, but imperfect. Parents of younger students are notified sooner. Steve Madsen had talked with Mark Nelson of the Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office about emergency procedures. He said that he didn't know anything about those. Mr. Green said that the Cowlitz Safe Schools Coalition could discuss this with them, since there are members of the Sheriff's Office that attend those meetings. Jim Bays said he's glad to know that our attendance system calls parents early.
Mr. Green said that he had some great news from Shari Conditt's class that celebrates the kind of work kids are doing in the community. Both of her AP History classes participated in a Veterans History Project for the Library of Congress. The interviewed veterans of wars around Memorial Day and will send these interviews to the Library of Congress on June 16th. Mia Patterson said that she participated in this project and interviewed her father, who served in the Gulf War. She said students learned a lot as they interviewed relatives, VFW members and other veterans or their relatives. The Board discussed this with Mia.
As the budget cycle is a little different this year, Michael asked Board members if they'd like to do the workshop on July 12th and have the budget hearing on July 26th. The Board was fine with these dates.
Steve Madsen had an article from a magazine about a fundraiser that the WQCC could do. It was to create a publication called "50 Cool Things for Kids to Do in Their Town". He thinks this fundraiser could be for projects such as, the WIS playground modifications. He will bring it up at the WQCC meeting.
Goal Setting Meeting PlanningMichael said that he set this meeting for as late in the day as he could. It will be at 2 pm in the District Meeting Room, on June 28th. Board members were fine with the agenda and had no food preferences. Mia was invited to attend.
Policy Updates-First Reading The Board discussed each policy update. These will return on the next agenda for second reading and approval.
Consent Agenda The Board discussed the revised consent agenda which included an additional A/P item (IV) that needs approval to pay. Mr. Green noticed that Linda Wilson's hire was on the consent agenda erroneously, as she isn't a hire, but a change in position, which does not require board approval. This was removed from the agenda. Steve Madsen had asked about how to respond to the public about the P-card use. Stacy said that is will be used for as many purchases as possible. She said we get a great rebate by using it.
Steve Madsen moved to approve the revised consent agenda, with item 3Bii-(Personnel/Classified B) removed. Janice Watts yes Bill Woodard yesSteve Madsen yes carried
Telephone Upgrade Proposal Mr. Green recommended approval for a proposal of the telephone upgrade which will improve service and lead to savings on monthly charges. The estimated hardware replacement cost recovery is under three years. The Board discussed this. Bill Woodard moved to approve the Telephone Upgrade Proposal. Steve Madsen yes Bill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Resolution No. 2536-To Support the Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS) The Board discussed this resolution and decided that they would table this until the next meeting as they wanted to consider financial support of NEWS with $1000 as opposed to the requested $4095 at this time. Mr. Green indicated he would consult with NEWS and return with a revised resolution if appropriate.
Approval for WMS Boys to Practice with WHS Boys' Golf Team The Board discussed this. WIAA requires Board approval for this. Cari Thomson recommended that the Board will approve this.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the WMS Boys being able to practice with the WHS Boys' Golf Team for the 2010-2011 school year.
Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Physical & Occupational Services Contract ProposalDeb Kernen said that the District has used Braun Therapy Staffing for over 15 years. The contract proposal is a big hike in cost, but she has posted this position and has not filled it yet. She continues to keep it posted and has even combined the position with Castle Rock School District, but said there are few of these therapists around to fill the position. She recommends approval for this next year's contract.
Janice Watts moved to approve the Physical & Occupational Services Contract.
Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yes Janice Watts yes carried
Approval of SEIU Collective Bargaining AgreementThe Board discussed the agreement.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
EOCF Agreement for Preschool Activities and Use Agreement for the Woodland Center
Janice Watts moved to approve the EOCF Agreement for Preschool Activities and the Use Agreement for the Woodland Center.
*Steve Madsen said the Missy Sorenson had called him for a professional reference for her to get her program certified by the State. He had received feedback from a parent about the possible food/snack piece of the program changing. Stacy said they are not doing that piece at this time, so there should not be a concern. The food part of the program should continue the same way it's been. Stacy told the Board that they are in the beginning stages of the certification process and will learn more. Missy thinks that State certification will open the program up to more families in the community. Jim Bays asked her to keep the Board updated.
Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:57 pm to discuss personnel with no action to be taken upon return. Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:23pm.
Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:23 pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director