The resolution 2536 is the same as the resolution presented at the June 14 meeting with the excepton of the amount of the contribution. The NEWS network has invited us to join their network with the proposed contribution of $1000. The $1.95 per pupil was a recommendation based on the average contribution of the other NEWS members.
Administrative recommendation /MOTION/ I move we approve resolution 2536 as presented.
Woodland Public School District, No. 404
Resolution No. 2536
WHEREAS, Article IX, section 1 of the Washington Constitution mandates that it is the paramount duty of the State to make ample provision for the education of all children residing in our State; and,
WHEREAS, the State enacted House Bill 1209 (now RCW 28A.150.210(1)-(4) and adopted the State's nine Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) to establish academic standards for all K-12 students in the State's public schools; and,
WHEREAS, the State has never determined, nor amply funded, the actual cost to school districts of providing all students a realistic or effective opportunity to become equipped with the knowledge and skills set forth in the State's K-12 academic standards; and,
WHEREAS, the State of Washington has long underfunded, and continues to underfund, this district's provision of K-12 education, requiring this district to rely upon local levies, bonds and other non-State funding to cover the costs of necessary education basics such as facilities, technology, textbooks or student transportation; and
WHEREAS, the coalition of school districts and others in the Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS) joined with two public school families in the McCleary v. State case to sue the State for violating its paramount duty under Article IX, section 1; and
WHEREAS, on February 24, 2010, the Washington Superior Court in that case entered a Final Judgment holding that the State is violating Article IX, section 1, and ruling that "paramount" means the State must amply fund K-12 education before it funds anything else; that "ample" means State funding must be more than just adequate; that "all" children means all children ? not just those who are easy to teach; that "education" means the knowledge and skills in our State's high academic standards rather than programs or funding formulas in State statutes; and that it is unconstitutional to require districts to rely on levies, bonds or other non-State funds to pay for basics like facilities, technology, textbooks or transportation; and
WHEREAS, the Superior Court's Final Judgment ordered the State to determine the actual cost of amply providing the above knowledge and skills to all public school children, and to fund the actual dollar cost with stable and dependable State funding; and
WHEREAS, the State has chosen to appeal this ruling to the Washington State Supreme Court, and has appropriated $950,000 to fund that appeal;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Woodland School District joins and supports the NEWS coalition as NEWS moves forward to defend the Superior Court's Final Judgment against the State in the McCleary v. State case, and hereby resolves to approve a one-time payment of $ 1000.00 to support the NEWS coalition's defense of the McCleary v. State ruling.
ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Woodland Public School District No. 404 at an open public meeting held on June 28, 2010, notice of which was given as required by law, the following directors being present and voting therefore.
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Secretary to the Board Board President