Woodland Intermediate School
Woodland School Board Monthly Update
May 2010
The month of May was a race from the start to finish. As we approach the end of the school year each day seems to be more hectic than the one before.
MSP testing dominated the month of May. Test organization, testing, and make ups occupied much of the month. Woodland Intermediate School students completed 1,166 assessments. We were very happy with the effort that our students demonstrated. All seemed to go well.
A second significant accomplishment during the month of May involved the completion of our School Wide Title 1 Plan. Several staff members and a parent worked many long hours to develop our plan. In the end we concluded with an 88 page document that assessed data, identified areas of concern, and outlined specific strategies to address the areas of concern. I am happy to have a document that will align our thinking, influence our professional focus, guide our professional development, and cause us to be reflective in what we do.
Student placements are always an important event during the end of the year. Aligning teaching styles with learning styles while maintaining balance and equity within each classroom is never an easy task. The WIS staff worked diligently to make this a reality.
Our scheduling committee, facilitated by Veronica Heller, continues the work of examining our daily schedules. Their objective is to identify areas within our schedule that we can strengthen as well as to identify time within our day where we can implement a building wide intervention time.