Mon Jun 14 2010, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Goal Setting Meeting Planning

As discussed at the last meeting of the board we are planning an extended working session for June 28th with the purpose of reviewing work to date and establishing goals for the coming years.  

 President Bays and Mr. Green have discussed the session and propose the following draft schedule for consideration:

2:00 Welcome and Setting the Stage
2:15-4:15  Reports from Buildings (15-20 min each plus 10 min Q&A) on goals 1-4
4:15-5:00  Reports from District on goals 1-5
5:00-6:30  Discussion/Brainstorming/Visioning/Drafting Goals for coming year.
5:30ish  Working dinner served
7:00 Regular Board meeting  (Short Agenda) 

 The purpose of this discussion will be to refine this schedule and determine if it will meet the needs of the school board