May 24, 2010 7:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
See attached list.
This is Chelsey Rohm's last meeting as the Board Representative. The Board took a break from the meeting to have cake to celebrate the commitment that Chelsey has made to the Board. Board members told Chelsey they appreciated her time and energy that she has contributed to the Board the past 2 years. Mr. Green showed Chelsey the plaque that has the names of all the Student Representatives on it. Her name is on it for the 2 years she's served. The Board also gave Chelsey a gift certificate.
Janice Watts moved to approve Bill Woodard's absence from the meeting.
Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes Janice Watts yes carried
Steve Madsen moved to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2010 regular meeting. Steve Madsen yes Janice Watts yes Jim Bays yes carried
Chelsey Rohm reported that Art Fest started tonight with a jazz concert and continues through Thursday with concerts and the drama department's production of "Harvey" Wednesday and Thursday nights. Visual fine art displays will be shown May 25-26 from 5-8pm in the gym. Chelsey said there is less than 3 weeks until graduation. She has heard good things about the Senior Party. There are a lot of seniors signed up for it. The last ASB meeting of the year will be on June 4th, when Mia Patterson will be sworn in as the Student Representative to the Board. She introduced Mia, who is a Junior and Planters' Day Princess. Mia will start her job as the Student Representative at the next Board meeting.
The Board had no questions about the Tech or Financial Reports.
Mr. Green said that the MSP testing occurred last week; make-ups are going on currently. One glitch in the test was that there wasn't enough field space on some reading questions. The Tech Department had to make some last minute adjustments. Thanks to them all went well.
Tomorrow there will be interviews for the new Director of Learning position.
At the last joint meeting between the City, Port and Board, an after-hours event in November was discussed. The Board told Michael to proceed with the planning.
The compact fluorescent bulb fundraiser is underway. The District will receive $3 a box for all those who sign up for one.
Tom Hammond expressed his concerns about bullying at the Intermediate School. He asked the Board to address the problem. Jennifer Cullison, co-president of the WEA, expressed concerns about funding and budget cuts and how it affects the teachers. She is concerned that having an Athletic Director position will take funding away from teacher's positions. Jim Bays asked Mr. Green if Mr. Hammond's concerns were being addressed. Mr. Green indicated they were. Christina Ramey said she thinks there is not sufficient supervision on the playground and that in-school and out-of-school suspensions should be clearly defined, so that parents understand the differences and why they are assigned. She told the Board that she has asked Chris that she be present when he questions her student in the future about any incidents.
Mr. Hammond said he spoke with the State Ombudsman's Office and said that the District did not tell him about the formal complaint process.
School Safety and Climate
Michael Green introduced Jan Kennell from ESD 112. She is an expert in bullying problems and has worked with schools on training for this issue. She discussed the activities that she has completed with the District; the pending activities and additional recommendations she has for the District. She gave the Board a one-page report of these. Jan said that addressing the bullying issues is an ongoing process. When the Safe Schools Healthy Students grant is gone in a year, the work will continue.
Steve Madsen asked Jan if the District was documenting incidents thoroughly. She said that she had been discussing documentation with Sharon Irwin, of ESD today. Steve said he's concerned that if we don't identify the situation, we won't be able to see the pattern. Jan said it's good that Woodland School District uses a discipline rubric, as some districts handle situations as they come up; and that's not a good way to handle them.
Janice Watts said that she thought that students interacting with staff on the playground is a good idea and that students love that.
Mr. Hammond asked Jan why his son had no problems at WPS, but has many at WIS. He asked if she saw a difference in student's behavior and how it's handled at the two schools. Jan said she saw no difference in how things are handled. She said that Mr. Wiseman takes bullying very seriously and takes the time to investigate. She said that there are more incidents of bullying at the 4th, 5th and 6th grade levels. Jan said that Woodland School District does not shy away from dealing with bullying issues, as some other districts do.
Jim Bays said that if there is a recommendation that needs resources, the Board needs to know about it, so that they can consider what they can provide, as this is an important issue.
Jan will look at the survey data and work on the playground training next.
Board Goal Setting Retreat The Board discussed a mini retreat on June 28th with Administrators to look at goal setting ideas for next year. Tina Cayton said she'd try to be there, if work permits. Steve said that he may be late, as he is usually in court on Mondays. Michael said that Bill Woodard said he could attend. Janice thinks the date is okay. They set the time at 2pm.
The Board decided on August 19th as a tentative date for their summer Board Retreat.
Consent Agenda The Board discussed the consent agenda. Janice asked if they would be getting a more detailed report of the visa with the P-card system. Steve said he'd like at least a periodic report of what it's being used for generally. Stacy Brown said, once they have more training, there should be a way to get a better report for them.
Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda.
Tina Cayton yes Steve Madsen yes
Janice Watts yes carried
Apex Renewal Contract Mr. Green said that last year the Board approved a contract with Apex to replace the NovaNet system. This is a renewal of that contract. He recommended that the Board approve the contract. The Board discussed it. Janice Watts moved to approve the Apex contract renewal.
Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:45pm to discuss negotiations with no action to be taken upon return. Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:10.
Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:10 pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director