After two content reviews of the Focus Group presentation with the Board we are ready for a "Trial" presentation with the Board. The purpose will be to gather any final feedback for adjustments to the presentation.
During the months of February and March a series of focus group meetings will be held. We have identified ten different focus group audiences that we wish to gather input from. The design of these groups is intentionally homogeneous. The identified groups are as follow:1. Adults and seniors with no children in school.2. Parents of Woodland Students3. Athletic Boosters and Coaches4. Local Business Owners (Chamber/Rotary)5. Yale Valley Community/Parents6. Civic Leaders7. Teachers8. Current WHS Students9. Classified Staff10. School bus driversParticipants in groups 1-5 will be done by the administration. Some individuals have been identified as potential participants in groups 1-5. Additional names that can be offered by the board in these categories would be helpful.