January 12, 2009 7:00PMRegular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Bill Woodard, Janice Watts, Chelsea Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Cari Thomson, Deb Kernen, Chris Wiseman, Dan Uhlenkott, Andrea Edwards, Susi Pitt-Garland and Stacy Brown.
Janice Watts moved to approve Tina Cayton and Steve Madsen's absence from the meeting.
Bill Woodard yesJanice Watts yesJim Bays yes carried
Bill Woodard moved to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2009 regular Board meeting as amended.
Jim Bays yesJanice Watts yesBill Woodard yes carried
Chelsey Rohm said students are getting back into school after the winter break. TOLO assembly is on Friday. Finals are 3 weeks away. The Boys' Basketball team is playing RA Long this evening and the Girls' Basketball team will play RA Long tomorrow.
Michael Green reported that this was the first day of a very long legislative session. Legislators are looking at a challenging budget year that will affect the District. Certificated employees will receive a survey about reduction in force this week. The survey will provide information for the formula for reduction in force that is in the WEA contract. The bad weather last week caused serious road problems up in the Cougar area. There were two washouts. One of the washouts could take months for the road department to fix. The problem affects 30 students in the area. Michael has been working with KWRL and they are transporting the students. The parents may be asked to register their students at WPS or WIS to lessen the amount of time that students miss school riding the bus. The Board discussed the problem. No additional routes have been added at this time.
Mr. Green showed the Board a notice for the Wednesday, January 21st joint meeting of the City of Woodland, Port of Woodland and Woodland School Board. The meeting is at 6pm in the Woodland Community Center.
*Jim Bays moved the LEGO Robotics demonstration to the end of the agenda.
Board Representative for Calendar CommitteeJanice Watts volunteered to be the Board's representative on the calendar committee.
WalMart Easement for Streetlights Mr. Green received information that WalMart would like an additional easement from the District to place streetlights. He has not seen a drawing or gotten any further information. He asked the Board for permission to proceed with discussions to gather more information for the Board. They agreed.
Consent AgendaThe Board discussed the consent agenda. Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda.Bill Woodard yesJanice Watts yesJim Bays yes carried2008-2009 Budget Conservation MeasuresMichael Green said that we are facing a minimum of 5% State budget cuts going into next year. This will bring significant challenges to our District. The Admin. Team identified adjustments that could be made this year to soften the blow for next year. Administrators thought of ideas that would not affect students and classrooms. The Board discussed the measures. At the next meeting, Michael will ask for 2 Board volunteers to join a committee to look over next year's budget conservation measures.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the 2008-2009 Budget Conservation Measures.Jim Bays yesJanice Watts yesBill Woodard yes carriedPolicy No. 2413-Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses-Second Reading and ApprovalBill Woodard moved to approve Policy No. 2413-Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses.Jim Bays yesJanice Watts yesBill Woodard yes carried
*Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting to go to the Middle School and see a LEGO Robotics demonstration, with Tim Brown's class at 7:30pm.
LEGO Robotics Shar and Tim Brown are in their fourth year of advising the LEGO robotics team. Tim provided an overview of the competition portions (robot performance, presentation, teamwork, and technical judging). Each year, teams are given a "problem" to which they have research, demonstrate and provide a solution. This year's topic is climate change. Students acted out a skit on salmon restoration in the Lewis River. They have been working with Gary Loomis, University of Washington, Harvard, and Senator Cantwell. Students discussed what has been currently done and the research to support climate change. Their solution was to change the electromagnetic field in the Lewis River to encourage more fish. The Board saw a demonstration of the robot and how the points were awarded in competition. The Board asked questions of students at the presentation level and the robot level. This aids students and helps them prepare for the upcoming State Championship. Students who participated in the demonstration for the Board were Mark and Julia Zagumennyy, Tyler Kysar, Natasha Lamb, Natasha Hambrook, Kyle Hendrix and Robyn Young. Jean Kysar, Tyler's dad has helped out a lot with the robot, too. Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 8:22pm.
Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:22pm.
_______________________________Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director