Thu Jan 26 2023, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Financial and Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Date: January 23, 2023

Subject: Financial/Enrollment Report

I have the months of September through December reconciled. I ran the numbers through the projecting software, but the revenues are still based on budget, and there are a couple of other things that are throwing off the numbers, so I am not including those reports this month.  January apportionment report will include revenues based on actual enrollment numbers.  September through December are based on budget, and enrollment is approximately 40 students greater than budget.  Also, OSPI has a new grant system which is causing a lag time between grant approval and being able to claim the funds.  We have not yet received any funds from Title One, Title II, Title III, or Title IV.  I hope to claim the funds in February, as our grants have finally been approved.  ESSER revenues and expenditures need to be adjusted in the projections to ensure revenues and expenditures match.  I will make all of these adjustments this month and bring you projected revenues, expenditures, and ending fund balance next month.  I included the November and December Budget Status reports for each fund.


The first enrollment document is a summary by headcount for January, with a comparison to December. The counts by grade level include the Yale, LRA, and TEAM High numbers (all totals for the district).  The section below shows the total December headcount for those buildings compared with the previous month's headcount.  Overall, we are now up 2 students from December.  This is good to hear as we had dropped considerably in the 2 previous months.  

The second enrollment document (page 2) shows a comparison of average FTE compared to budgeted FTE.  Funding is based on FTE (not headcount), so this is an important document.  Funding is based on our average annual FTE.  For January, we are 41.09 over budget, and the average for the 5 months is 41.33 over budget.  This is good for this year and good that the monthly average is in line with the overall average.  If we stay at this level, the annual FTE will be right at 41 students, greater than budget.  The apportionment figures will be updated this month (in a couple of days, actually), and I will include the updated revenues in the projections.  You will also see the Special Education enrollment numbers and how they compare to budget.  Special Education enrollment average is figured from October through May.  The numbers you see here are from October through January, and the average has increased slightly over the past few months and may increase if there are students that are being assessed and qualified.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Attached Files:
Dec 2022 - Budget Status Report.pdf application/pdf 16.9K
FTE Enrollment - January 2023.pdf application/pdf 38.8K
Headcount - January 2023.pdf application/pdf 38.8K
Nov 2022 - Budget Status Report.pdf application/pdf 16.9K