Wed Jun 17 2020, 6:00pm
Zoom Webinar
Regular Meeting


Thought Exchange Feedback... What we learned.

Woodland Schools used a tool called Thought Exchange to gather input on a single question: "What are the most important things Woodland Public Schools needs to think about as we continue to respond to COVID-19 and plan for the future?"  The response window was from June 3-June 10.

We received 1175 thoughts shared from 886 participants (130 Students, 533 parents,117 Certificated Staff, 91 Classified Staff, and 15 "Other").  There were 26,700 ratings on those thoughts.


As of the publication of the board packet we are still reviewing the data and preparing a presentation for our community and the board about what we have learned.   This input will help guide our planning for a fall 2020 reopening of schools.

The Thoughtexchange tool gives us different ways of looking at the data, from the "big picture" down to very granular information.   

This is a "Word Cloud". The words are drawn from the input received and the relative size of the words reflects the strength of the ratings given to statements with those words present.

word cloud

Attached Files:
wordcloud.png image/png 1M