Mon Oct 12 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Minutes Regular Meeting September 28, 2015

Woodland School District Board Of Directors


September 28, 2015 5:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Tony Peterson, Nick Massey, Kent Belikka, Rena Belikka, Ann Collins, Asha Riley, Stacy Brown




Nick Massie said that 5:00 p.m. was a bad time for a Board meeting, as he didn’t feel that most people would be able to attend for public input. He suggested 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.  



Tina Cayton moved to approve Matt Donald’s absence.

Janice Watts  yes

Jim Bays  yes

Tina Cayton  yes  

Motion passed



Jim Bays moved to approve the September 14, 2015 regular meeting minutes. 

Tina Cayton  yes

Jim Bays  yes

Janice Watts  yes 

Motion passed



Student Report


Other Reports

Janice Watts and other Board members liked the Facilities and Safety report, and said it was very informative.



Mr. Green said that he would be responding to questions he received in emails today. Since the school year began KWRL made a number of changes to the Woodland bus runs and reconfigured the loads.  In response to specific concerns about the Cougar run KWRL added a morning shuttle from Rock Creek to Woodland. The buses are less crowded than they were in the first week.   Many runs are roughly the same length of time as last year but because school gets out later, arrival times are still late in the afternoon. Michael received a question about adding a bus to Cougar, but he said that would cost $63,000 and would be not dramatically improve service times for students.  KWRL will hold its annual meeting on October 29th.  Our attorney has reviewed the cooperative agreement regarding the KWRL remodel. Ridgefield Board signed an agreement related to joint construction and expansion efforts, but has thus far refused to sign the revisions to the cooperative agreement that incorporates the initial agreement.  The attorney for KWRL has indicated Ridgefield is bound by the initial letter of agreement.  

The District piloted the “Reducing the Risk” Curriculum last year.  The curriculum committee will be bringing this curriculum to the Board for adoption on October 12th, which will be taught in grades 9-10 Health Class. Mr. Green also shared with the board policy 2020 which outlines the process by which parents, students, and community members can appeal the use of any given curriculum materials.



Summer Food Service Program Review Letter

OSPI reviewed the Summer Feeding Program and sent a letter that stated that the program had an outstanding review.



Jim Bays said he would like to attend the KWRL Annual Board meeting. He said he’d like to see the written advice from counsel regarding the KWRL remodel and Ridgefield’s refusal to sign.  Director Bays reiterated his dissatisfaction with the Ridgefield Boards demonstrated lack of good faith in the process and is considering drafting a resolution that will formally state the board’s displeasure with their inaction.  Director Bays and Director Watts will attend the KWRL annual meeting.

Jim asked if Michael had heard any more from the people “up river”, regarding the recent bus issues. He asked Steve Madsen, who was in the audience, about this. Steve said he had a few comments. He said the arrival time in the afternoon is fine, but his concern was about the bus loads.  If students are on the bus for that length of time, they could do homework. But, if the bus is crowded, that would make it very difficult to get homework done.  He appreciated hearing that the loads were being addressed.  He expressed disappointment about not getting a phone call from KWRL regarding route time changes. He said he heard about it from a neighbor, and that’s unacceptable.  Michael said that, to his understanding, letters regarding changes went home. Mr. Madsen said that it needs to be emails or phone calls. Michael said that this was good feedback. The Board discussed this.






The Board discussed the consent agenda. (See attached)

Jim Bays moved to approve the consent agenda.

Tina Cayton  yes 

Jim Bays  yes

Janice Watts  yes  

Motion passed



Second Reading and Approval of Policy No. 3207-Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Michael said there were no changes to this policy and recommended Board approval.  The Board discussed this policy. Jim Bays suggested the wording be changed so that the policy fits the practice. The Board agreed to eliminate the word “comprehensive” under Training and add “annual”.

Tina Cayton moved to approve Policy No. 3207-Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying as amended. 

Janice Watts  yes

Jim Bays  no

Tina Cayton  yes 

Motion passed

Second Reading and Approval of Policy No. 3210-Nondiscrimination

Jim Bays said that he knows the Board does not vote on changes to administrative procedure, but that it bothered him that there is no written record of the informal process. The Board discussed this. Jim said they’ve heard from staff that they feel their concerns are not being addressed. Mr. Green indicated that he would work to make sure there was a clear communication process.

Jim Bays moved to approve Policy No. 3210-Nondiscrimination.

Tina Cayton  yes

Jim Bays  yes

Janice Watts  yes

Motion passed

Second Reading and Approval of Policy No. 5272-School Board-Staff Communication

Tina Cayton moved to approve Policy No. 5272-Nondiscrimination.

Janice Watts  yes 

Jim Bays  yes

Tina Cayton  yes 

Motion passed



President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 6:00 p.m. to matters under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(h) and RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i), with no action to be taken upon return.

President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 6:54 p.m.



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 6:54 p.m.


Secretary to the Board




