Mon Apr 13 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WPS Report

WPS Board Report

Focus on Learning

3rd Grade Smarter Balanced Assessment

This week, 3rd grade students are taking the Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts. They are scheduled to take the assessment in Math during the first week in June.  Students in 3rd grade take the Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts earlier in the year so the school may obtain the results and implement improvement strategies before the end of the year.  According to ESSB 5946, for ALL students scoring Below Basic (Level 1) on the 3rd Grade 2014/2015 ELA Smarter Balanced Assessment, the district and school must implement an intensive reading and literacy improvement strategy from the state ELA Menu of Best Practices or an alternative strategy approved by OSPI.

Prior to spring break, a letter was sent home to 3rd grade parents explaining the law and process.  Parents were informed that if their student scores Below Basic (Level 1) on the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English Language Arts, then the parent will be contacted to set up a conference with the school principal (or designee), the teacher, and the parent(s).  The conference will focus on a plan to implement intensive reading and literacy improvement strategies for their student.

Student Learning Goals

Prior to spring break the following short term SMART goals were set at each grade level.

  •  K: 100% of all students will be able to solve addition problems using pictures and numbers.
  • 1st: 100% of all students will write an opinion piece on the question, “Do you like recess?”  The opinion piece must in include the topic, stated opinion, reason, and closure.
  • 2nd: 100% of all students will be able to explain how specific images contribute to, and clarify, a text.
  • 3rd: 100% of all students will be able to measure areas by counting unit squares (ex: square cm, square in, square ft, etc.)

Below is an example of how teachers are involving their students in the goal setting.  Students work with their teacher to track their progress towards mastery and then they sign their goal poster once everyone has met the goal. A great way to celebrate and recognize student learning.  Student ownership is critical to student learning.