Mon Apr 13 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Special Services Report

To:  Michael Green

Re:  March Monthly Special Services Report

From:  Deb Kernen

Date:  April 1, 2015


This month I want to highlight some positive changes that have occurred since we split our special education preschool program into an AM/PM session because of the severity of the students and our numbers were growing.  This took place March 3rd.  Here is some anecdotal narratives from the staff that work in the program that I thought are very positive and enlightening about how our decisions impact student behavior and progress-especially our little ones.  It’s pretty amazing and heartwarming!!!!!!

Submitted by Shelby Linnemeyer-Speech/Language Therapist:

I have observed many positive changes in students and the general classroom environment since the special education early intervention preschool class was split into 2 sessions. My student’s that are most impacted in their communication skills are beginning to vocalize more and even use more words or word approximations, as well as utilize augmentative communication (picture symbols) to communicate with less prompting.   Students are following the routines with less assistance.  Students who required significant assistance to participate in group activities are participating independently or with minimal assistance from staff.  The room has a quieter, more peaceful feeling that is beneficial for our students who are impacted by sensory deficits.  The decision to split the class has definitely been validated by the gains that students are already making in the short time since the change.  I am excited to see how much more they will grow before the end of the school year!

Submitted by Felicity Ottis-Occupational Therapist:

Since the preschool split I think it definitely feels more calm and quiet in the environment. Each student can have instruction and adult interaction since there aren't as many high need students all at once to manage. Before it sometimes felt as though it was more survival and triage for which students were having the roughest time and now it feels more proactive.  I have also seen more productive table time since the split though admittedly that could have to do with the times I have come in since the split- before I mostly came during circle time followed by centers.